MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 07 THE OLD SPA if ISH TRAIL, HELD I if THE OFFICE OF THE OLD SPANISH TRAIL; GUNTER HOTEL, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, DECEMBER 11, 1932, at 4:25 P. M. The meeting vras called to order by the Chairman. The following were present: Kenneth Wimer, H. B. Ayres, Chr rles N. Vfuest, Leon N. '.l<hall. K. 3. Thompson was also present at the meeting. Minutes of previous meeting read ana approved. Ordered that disbursement sheets be adopted for all payments ana included in Minute Book, copy of same to go to the Chairman. Chairman reports that hiss Nagel was employed on basis of v'75.00 per month for two montns, at the ana of two months her salary to be raised to -.100.00 per month, it being understood, that she is willing to work for nis salary only during present dlffiy culties of the Association ana that, as soon as the duti ;s and the funds of the Association warrant it, she is to be advanced to her regular salary which amounts to •:150.00 par month, which is estimuteu to be reached :ithin a periou of six to eight months, but this ices not me.-.n that the Association is binding itself do keep hiss Nagel should her services not be satisfactory or -:he funus of the Association not -warrant the continuation of her employment. The following bills were ordered paid: 1,000 envelopes - -- -- -- -- -- -- 6.10 Telogram,hr.' imer to hr■Thompson.Beaumont 1.04 Texas Blue Print Co. ---------- 10.50 Ordered Mr. Ayres writs hr. Shreve a letter requesting him to call on the Chairman at his office for settlement of his (hr ■ Shreve 1 s) account. ,o... 2<**<■<.,OJkwr.,<©*«*■. Letters to E. Reddrick, Collector, ana John C. Nicholson, President of Meridian Highway, informing them that ur. Colo is no longer connectta with QST and that Meridian affairs were not in any way associated with this Association; also letters to F. N. Herndon ana N. K. Brown, requesting them to file statements of their accounts and detailed statements of services they rendered OST during period of unpaid account, were ordered sent, copies on file. Ordered that special letters, copy herewith, signed by the Chairman, the President ana the Managing Director, be sent out. Letter from fir. Thompson, explaining his claim for v806.16 was read by the Secretary, aiiu. letter ordered filed with minutes-Following discussion it was agreed and ordered (same being acceptable