DEL RIO DIVISION San Antonio—Del Rio, and Tourist Loops This is a part of the ancient Spanish Trail, via the Sheffield crossing of the Pecos river, that connected San Antonio and Chihuahua, Mex., and San Antonio, El Paso and San Diego, Cal. In military and mail coach times Ft. Clark (Brackettville) was a station, then Ft. Hudson, then Ft. Lancaster at Live Oak creek near the OST Main Line at the Pecos river crossing at Sheffield, then westward through Ft. Stockton, Ft. Davis and along the OST of today. Other trails from the Pecos crossing ran to Chihuahua,or northwestward to the upper Rio Grande valley. Another trail ran from San Antonio thru Bocrne and Menard to the Sheffield crossing of the Pecos river. Now the Pecos river is bridged 44 miles west of Del Rio, and that rugged country will be more directly reached. The Pecos and the Trans-Pecos country are rich in historical story as Indian, Spaniard and Anglo-Saxon fought for mastery, or struggled to give progress to the caravans of trade. This Trunkline from San Antonio to Del Rio, the h Pecos bridge and 12 miles beyond, is financed and building rapidly. Tourist Loops are marked from this Trunkline to the brio Canyons (TL 8 and 9), and to Eagle Pass and Mexico (TL 7). THE MARKING SYSTEM TRUNKLINES OST 1—Main Line, St. Augustine to San Diego. OST 2—San Antonio to Rio Grande Valley and Mexico. OST 3—San Antonio—Del Rio—Davis Mountains. OST 4—Along the Rio Grande, Mexican Border. OST 6—Connect Houston with the Mexican Extension. OST 6—Tampa to Main Line in Florida, proposed. TOURIST LOOPS TL instead of OST, and numbers. Same color system. DETOURS Construction on OST 3 between Castroville and Del Rio. Make local inquiries. MEMORANDA SERVICE MAP Old Spanish Trail System® Highways Del Rio Division SA^OEL RIO-l