San Antonio, Texas January 31st, 1522 Dear Harral*.- Replying to yours of the 28th am sorry to say that I have no news to report today. I wired you yesterday that McDonald, Chief Director of the Office of Public Roads, would be in New Orleans on the first. I thought if you had any serious problems over there that you could probably get a session with hr. McDonald and put it up to him in your usual good method and sell him on the project. Windrow and Capt. Fauntleroy will meet him at Orange on Thursday. They will spend Friday at Beaumont; arrive in San Antonio Saturday morning; leave here Sunday morning for Austin and leave there Sunday night for College Station where ti^ey have a two days session, in other words a general good roads meeting for the stats. Dr. Johnston says I must go and I have been trying to convince him that he must go. He wanted me to go to Orange and meet them but I just couldn't figure out how the association could stand the expenses of both trips. In fact I don't know where the money is going to come from to pay salaries and expenses of one trip. He have had the most unu-ual weather in San Antonio the past two weeks I ever saw. The sun hasn't been shining more than two hours all put together the two weeks. It is cloudy and cold and the last two days have been just a cold,drizzly rain. You couldn't get money out of a spendthrift this weather much less the average business nan. Y/e have been expecting two or throe 0500 checks from your work down there as overhead expenses for the main office and we haveh-'t even seen any of that. I hope that Alabama bunch voted their bonds yesterday and I hope you will be able to get some action out of they today and money tomorrow. Miss Huey and I would like to have enough come in to take care of our salary checks anyhow. We have got to rustle enough money here in San Antonio to take care of some of these present bills. The people have treated us very nicely so far but the Doctor and I are afraid this won't last always. McCrory says they will take care of Jirn County at the next meeting. It looks very much like County is going to fall dorm on the approval of their bond issue for th§r have not presented it to the Attorney General yet and I think the reason they haven't is because they'are trying possibly to put something over before hand knowing they can't afterwards. I went over the appropriation yesterday with Judge Dumas and he told me there was not a chance for the bond issue to be approved. Dumas has resigned, effective February 6th.