Sent to: Hon. John Craft, Mobile, Ala. H. S. Wor.oon, Logtovm, ^I:lf5o• Martin Behrman, Non Orleans, La. Hon. 17. E. Lon, Orange, Texas, Walter Schreiner, Kerrvilla, Tsx. A. II. Gardner, Tombstone, Arts?. Herbert Bayliss, Lake Charles, La. Harry Locke, Los Angeles, Calif. M. G. McNair, Gulfport, Miss, xCoio J. T/. Apperaon, Biloxi, Miss, '■R. H. Fleming, Nov? Orleans, La. ';K. A. McDonald, Beaumont, Texas. V -- , J - ’ ■ '■ . ; • J. 0. Baumgarten, Se:valonbta?gf;?T5rJa*'.'''’" * IF. VJ. Marsh, Pensacola, Fla. Hon. John Oran, 3l ?* pM"> H?blle> Ain" Mobil':, A lab;'.: • . 7 Dear £ ’vi It 1( my pl< ui i . vi yoi : F y ur election as a Vioe-1 re Lent of r ni at 1 . T1 i is a rojeot of great import nae and of re t ot », and I op< you may fin . it poa ' ihl 3 to t ?rv ... iv Av:L . A oopy of th Inut t] i C ir ire it ion I if :: i Board cf Lir ctors’ meet in t t followed are ncl< for jo r inf tlon, and for .1 c ion if t oontain mjrthi you, a ' > ot. or, .■ y c ova. to : « Am also e ii . draft Divio!on* OST, . n Lt '■ r. ut cios, m . ii i.'. t( ideas ie\ lc the C< ver.tioi u by consultatio: since. TL divii oning of the III; away is ■- n aimir.iolrxilr • question upon v/hioh directors sheul .; fi L3y- I ould ' c i£ t y< r voon this draft t:d ! vie ions. ‘ If yer. have *. u.y '"’i. ' ".ogo: and will > ue we Jill' . It. Our . st 18 tl aff ort h . r tf u ht ■ ny thi , viz: A direct ore* meeting of .versons over i- .vide rang-,- of t rritory is very Lii icult and ex ive, . adminlstra ion must srked o; t oi *11 es ao sew ilffere it t3 an is usual, to us in ou . - Pov.-rt ale or full . ir ‘ r rt>f mestin; el held. P rhi . e you « n ... sug e ;1 i i s as t< youi . oiilei tl oi ht ii. tl is r eot. II.-: vu hila . .vusiriotratlor, . .lotof. by an Advisory Ecof lea ing a: on ar.v ..omen, moat of v/kom are carrying .from a .'!»•* .iC. .1'..a;. iti< ally, the pro snt plan of Li L ten; with the Vice-Pro. idev.t and tic Directors'uJ.thi* t' nt division as r. Divisio .•'••I Oouncilj and a. ivsted by C our. s .11 ore to Ap..oint-ed in the several localities, gives ... o or tun It ■. . for service in the district ...... ... are beat aoqu inted. This will give yen opportunity for ponitiv-r --•ncl 0 ireot service rather, than the pLocivc connectio ; of a. geavrrl iirootor.