/'■ x rr-. 'FLORIDA-TEXAS THAVEL OVER THE 4U THE GREAT HISTORIC HIGHWAY ACROSS THE i Headquarters Gunter Hotel OLD SPANISH TRAIL mexico-califormia' SUNNY SOUTH ANDTHROUCH THE GREAT SOUTHWEST; San Antonio. Texas. Here is another of Hie section Service Maps, ami others are with the printers. This mapping work will now he rapidly extended until all sections between St. Augustine and San Diego that give the needed membership support will have these Service Maps and the advantage of (heir distribution all over the United States. Your criticism and suggestion arc continually invited. There is difference of opinion respecting what is best for the traveler, and for the community. Poor road conditions in some districts complicate this work. The old type of log hook is cumbersome. This simple type of map and information is only possible along a well organized and well marked highway or section. Hence, before these Service Maps can lie issued the necessary membership support must he established, local OST Councilors installed, travel information gathered, tourist camps and their equipment fostered, and the sections studied generally in order that the maps and information may issue in brief, accurate and dependable, form. A well organized ma|) department must he in constant service at Headquarters. The marking must be kepi lo the highest standard. The. OST marking is the prettiest and most thorough in the United Stales, hul it is also expensive. All Texas must be re-marked; it is only 50% standard now. East of Texas new marking is in progress. The October Service Maps are lo he issued and distributed to bring the northern tourist into this country. This Fall series will include every seel ion from St. Augustine westward that can he organized, marked, and the data gathered. The sections as planned are: 1. Florida 2. Pensacola lo New Orleans (Gulf Itoulrvard section) ,‘i. Louisiana 4. Fast Texas (Orange—San Antonio) 5. West Texas (San Antonio—El Paso) (i. South Texas (San Antonio—Rio Grande Valley) 7. Texas Rordcrland (San Antonio thru Del Rio) S. Western (FI Paso to San Diego) All these however cannot he. issued this Fall. The people of the sections are the. controlling factors. The financing of a section and the prompt compilation of data for (he October map depend upon the promptness of the membership support. Louisiana and Mississippi have their membership organizations nearly all completed. Teachers from the Texas A. & M. College are going out on the. Texas work. An OST field secretary and a marking car are in Alabama. The far East and the far West await attention. Now again, while we are trying to build a skilled head quarters and field staff, the ultimate, effectiveness and simplicity of Hirst*'maps will be the result of your cooperation and suggestion. SAN ANTONIO EXECUTIVE BOARD Kenneth Wimer, Chairman Henry T. Mathews, Vice Chairman Percy Tyrrell, Secretary Leon N. Walthall, Treasurer II. It. Ayres, Managing Director S. II. PECK, President Mobile, Alabama II. It. AYRES, .Managing Director Headquarters, Gunter Hold, San Antonio. Texas July 12. 1823.