San Antonio, Texas, February 33nd, 1923 Dear Mr. Ayres:- Am enclosing you statement of bank account, which looks very, very bad. Was hoping we would get a little money in before I sent it but seems not. Am also enclosing a few chacks which I wish you would sign as we are almost out of the ones you signed before. Have you received the bulletins? If so, what do you'think of them? I think Dr. Johnston should be patted on the head for that. That kind of a bulletin will make a great deal more of an impression than just those run off on a mimeograph. There is absolutely nothing to tell you. Mr. Colp has written every bit of news that I know of. Just thought I would let you know I wasn't "laying down on the job" of which you have accused me several times. You had better be good, because I've had two offers of a position inside of a week and if you make me mad I'm likely to accept one of them, and then,Oh! then, what would the Old Spanish Trail Headquarters do. Judging from the betters Mr. Colp and Dr. Johnston have been getting you have been going along splendidly. Congratulations; and may you continue to do so. Hastily,