rnturdoy ' 3ght» April rp«», ipf:r>, Or. iv-o o.y, >•.)-! 3. fjth,Vr. 1 3 wr et.ero .r, .'•Iwirnsn of th< • ■ Klgh ay ■■■■ ■■ : : .'. 5 :2« ey rMgijH or, 7ourmey, were in lidel3 nd Interviewed s me •" the members of the looal-hef- 'oiteur VM.i'sy vom'-ii.tteo o;.d > ■;> 'o the reposition <1:0.0 if the i.oo.'O. oor-Mttee wonl-: roll '■'■ c u ••;■ hwidr»'-: end fifty thouer-nd dollars worth <-f bonds, ••]-.?. oh v-vro vot'd in February 1921, end plsoe the moeny to :ko oro-St; of :.he r-jyV'■•'.■.;/ • t o. that, the r-tste Highway m tment nl in tun agree ( > go fift “fifty o the coat of lonatmotii ■ f the eleven and e half (Il£) miles of the Chef-I Vnbeur, ' i 'isissl ;• •;■i 11: t- hi convey, which rord unf J niched In ;t. Pam any wish. And they furthei promised to ■ mmence conetruc-tion nirtultancously «*d 5Kfv»!.3f.:.cly on both, : !»/• Vi esiscirci rnd ’•iigoJ.cts on . \iio .' ■• .1; a ■ a h................. ■ o oomnlttee tfaa oomplled '.1th their pa t of l,:,e pyreo ent, ••heoe <’•'<:root'one, vhct «om;;ieto i-lll. give V-c- Orleans '. or first 73. gh'- r-y -.orauioti«>n i tth r.he ?‘orth, Vc.ot and "rlf 'oast, r'. ■ •’3.1 copulate .f>wtsi.< :.r.!o c>: r-tem end of the C Id. ; -s.ni eh Ts *3 el.. The people of he Fastens I of Ft* eunmeny Pari ah are very iViOh oji.Jmoe'. >v\>r t;,« .roe oofc -f .avl. g, in '.he r.«i\r future, f .invention with both, ’."o 'rlcans, ro.l W>o Oulf ’oast, rf 1 v« pH., hav Vyl io:' fi<»••. O’- >■ r, ’etor- n'-. rr;-'i ■ thr • o--v i>o project 7t ]■ ■■ boon outlined■ 'lie loo'l. ;.ir5v- '-mpiUco : t on * 3 ■ t. - r. ^ed v, Petr-ri- cn'r. royooltlon and decided to rogues-1 M-.e ' o3.3oe Fury of "t. Var mny to e/.-vortis-.' the- Von -o for- i-'-.j.e f t their rext recular Mooting, vjiioh 3.3.1 Vo h-3. V. In loving ton, Tuoi-.-ry - sy -r hope to have tho Von n sold e.nl the v\oy.oy or deposit Vy the mlddOLo of June, v-'hioh 133.3. enable <■■. o ocoiaono ;o t -vf l.c road tins siwmer, .-'.o cor-mittoo huo already star-lx-d to procure the right of v;sy for the i oad. ' ho o-onstmotion of "t. api ony’o tro misr 'r.f: 31hks of tJ’.o v'dt^f-'-Vrteirr*.’ ’i oslnsir- ? .'3 ;lv ;-y 3.3.1 Vr3;.;: to or. end a long drw*n out fight, -iiioh r-urt •.; :i;i hpril, X9I9 and vidoh at one time ongcr. -ered oon-.i-iom"■:• v hitter!ions between oootio ,c, of tV3r crinh. Xh:is road v 333. rive f.i.o pi.nple of ' iu sh tip 3.v* fi rot direct, hi'h--:vy connect' -n 1th <.ho outride > orld, wish to thank rr. ct<*- :pr. for th.« of fort ho is »njk-ingto get out of • hr, >md .<'• -o o n g<» some vhoi-e, 1 sir. yourc very truly, JKC. !'« f'VT-TITH.