\.h BUELL F. JONES ATTORNEY GENERAL State of South Dakota OFFICE OF Attorney General RAYMOND L. DILLMAN BENJ. D. MINTENER EVERETT D. ROBERTS RAY E. DREWRY ASSISTANT ATTORNEYS GENERAL Pi ERRE BERNARD A. BROWN BRIEF ATTORNEY April 13, 1324. Mrs. J. T. Smith, 114 Gunter Hotel, SanAntonio, Texas. Dear Madeira: Some time ago this office received a letter from you asking whether there are any laws in this state covering bill boards or indiscriminate advertising along hignv.ays. We nave no laws relating to this matter. I believe, however, tnat the State Highway Commission, together with other governing ooc.ies vested with tne duty of maintaining highways have jurisdiction over indiscriminate advertising, not with a view, however, of improving the appearance of highways out rather to prevent such bill boards anci indiscriminate advertising to obstruct in any wise the highways of this state. /