SanAntonic, Texas, March 30th, 1932 Dear Mr. Ayres:- Am enclosing you list of some of the members. Thought I would have the entire list ready for you today, but as I have not been able to finish it decided I had bettor send you what I had so you could start on them. Will send the rest tomorrow. You will notice that from Gonzales thru Orange the list is not an original. This is carbon copy of list I made for Mr. Shrove, but I thought you wouldn't mind having it, in fact I really thought you woulu rather I would send it sc you could have the list sooner. You don't mind,do you? Mr. Colp said you asked for a financial statement. Will try to get one tomorrow. Think we have about four dollars in the bank. Big chance of my getting my salary Saturday isn't there. I also have about twenty dollars coming to me that I have paid cut for stamps. Didn't realize how many stamps this office used until I started buying them myself. Congratulations on the good work you "put ever" on the 30th. Hastily, W. A.H.