16. Mr* Lev; 1b, Rotary, said he didn't know anything about OST, but w?s quite interested. Rotary will do her share he believes if a concrete proposition is put before them, 17. Mr, Surlong, Chamber of Commerce, told of what the OST means. Says it is the only highway that can be traveled 12 mos. by motor. Told of the numbers coming into Texas. Told of 37 inquiries he had had that morning for information as to roads over OST. He gets numerous letters from all over United states inquiring about OST. Hr, Purlong further stated San Antonio has not yst the vision, rnd that it is not that she is not willing to do, but that =•;.? don ' ’under st^nd hov; necessary it is for the OST work to go on. He frankly laid the question before those present, - which was more important, the fiah hatch cry or tha OST work. Everyone agreed the OST work was more important He then pulled from his pocket lists of subscribers which ran into thousands of dollars, given for hatchery, and even said that soma of those present were men who had given §100,00, §200,00, and §500,00 toward the hatchery. He said if San Antonio realized what handicaps the OST had, they would put this thing over. He further said if San Antonio could raise §10,000,00 for hatchery, then we should get even more for jST. 13, Hr, V/imer then stated that §4,000.00 is what is really needed to straighten out the work, and that much more is needed to carry on the work. He insisted that those interested g~< back and report to their various clubs, and sell than and then go to Houston and HI Paso and help sell those organizations there. We want to sell the clubs of San Antonio and H. - so no influence and sell those other two cities, 15, Hr, Dickinson said that both Houston and HI Paso had very live Real Estate Boards and that there was no question but that these Real H state Boards would ewe across in those sections. 20, Hr, Ayres confirmed Mr. Purloog's statement that the people just lacked understanding. Also spoke of the lack of understanding amongst hotels, 21, Hr, Hirschberg said they should go back v/ith some sort of method to present to their clubs. Suggested that they appoint committees from clubs to collect certain amount every year end to enthuse different clubs in other towns, 22, Mr, Orr suggested that Mr. Hirobbers'3 suggestion was right. He mentioned that §0,000,00 from §10,00 memberships would do more good than 200 members at §25,00, 25, Mr, V/imer stated joint meeting would be the thing to decide upon. Suggested OST day. He o-’id one thing he intended to do was, not to ask the §30,000,00 advertising fund committee to give OST money but to ask them to hire a good publicity man to get out this advertising matter. He also urged that delegates present ask their club directors to put jfcli on OCT program and actually get behind the work.