SELSO GUERRERA Cafe. Meals at all hours Spanish service. MC QUEENEY AUG. E KOEHLER '• General store and garage. Goodyear tires, auto accessories. Oil and gas. Cold drinks._ A. H. FITZGERALD DRUG Drugs, kodaking, books and nmninjin magazines. Phone 99. uIvilEi No better in Texas. SEGUIN . -PARK & AUM0N1 < Fine appointments. Leading service. Courtesies extended. Roof - Garden in connection. TP.E.SERGER FARMERS NATIONAL BANK STAR CAFr Th«hopSce°L ** y„„ want when you want it. Best meals in towri, Reasonable. _ MGIWAY GARAGE- „t appointments and service. Oil and gas. BLUMBERG BROS. you need. Seguin’s leading drug store, The big general store. Everything MEMORANDUM ■40VETT MOTOR CO. „ , Authorized Ford Agency. W. F. Lovett, Wank, OST Councilor._________________ mm Boiffi co. BELMONT GOSS & DILLWORTH The leading garage of the Trail. Stop and see what we have. ^ ■ G. A. ( BEHRING’S STORE!''-_^ vf.w.BEinaaEF^^r: General store, gas, (, tubes and access^ IICHE1&0N & BR0S. Mexican candies, cold soda, and best, our make. ^ MX & FLY athletic and’sporting g0^ GONZALES PLAZOOTEL