Memoranda respecting cash report of August 9th herewith, I have just spent an hour and a half of ay own time ,with my desk piled high/crying to get the A235<,00 you enclosed clearly accounted for so that it can go on the hooka without confusion. Please look this over and make sure that everything is right. Don't let us get anything on the hooks that is not 100p correct, I have had to read your interesting letters over two or throe times to clear up some things. Once again remember your letters get in the files and no human brain can keep track of all the detail. Phe finance report is the basis of the book records and on that we must have detail that is requisite. Please also tell who the persons are at the banks, garages, etc. Let us know who the men are we are dealing with. Also is the Jessup membership personal as you write it or is it the firm with 0. Jessup the membership representative. With these suggestions return one copy of tills statement with such corrections and help as you can add. H.B.A. HBA:ib August 14th,1923. IToto Your report spells Ileineke thus. Munson and former records spell it thus, Meinocke. 1HJS5? have spellings and all records accurate. listing shows advertisement are causing a for we cannot Munson * s record chow Comfort into Com; your Comfort Motor Compeay. Your letter referring to the i ist^ng says Comfort Auto Go... my. Tasso comusions lot of work and lands us finally with a lot of memo make records of contradictiona.