(jjul casie. uj\l aH a tut (?j)n , \ OF SOUTHWEST LOUISIANA u Lai(e Charles. Louisiana April the 21st, 1 9 5 0. Mrs. Henry Drought, 1215 N. St. Louis Street, Sun Antonio, Texas. Dear Madam: It is a matter of sincere regret that I will be unable to accept your very kind invitation to be present at the reception to Mr. Harral Ayres, to be given on April 29, 1950. I cannot refrain from saying that I think the tribute being paid Mr. Ayres is very richly deserved. I know of his untiring work in the face of great discouragement, and his accomplishment in the face of many difficulties will bring pleasure and profit to many thousands of people in the years to come. Yours very truly, FR-s