301 R '«t«r ' otcl > January 13, 1?31 ”r. I. v:rr. ■"n I f ' e'A ' ■" :~3 Co :i" > " ' , "’f.Tft:?. ”y leer ”r. 'errs •\ move that rill .otecr'fy bul ‘’.a an lea without increasiag coots should tc worthy of co co Herat.!or even in ti~.03 like these. Ron fw ye: rc the enclosed -rap h?a been subject to conference and development by ayaclf zrA national travel lenders working with me. It. is revolutionary in character. ' or '-any years it 'v been • roni ng in r.y -and as have developed the old .sarAsh rail trove’ inf ir-utiew service up e.nd up unti •- J. produced the travelog. *r*-.p trrrolog hoc *0 raHo-silly popular but tm demand i nor cased so--*-thing loss ejrpon-nivo too loaded that could be produced in fer.-.e lota. "be enclosed ca be owed end diatributod •> an oil c0-ary with a rational service static- system... .and at the eoas t.’-c bo distributed thru. he .)!•’ -pa ,ieh l .' -.ii nomcS' tee '‘."one the Tvmireds of cuts clubs and travel-routing bureaus that serve iuqu'r‘ng travelers,,,.and t’-o Old Spanish Trs.il no1.-.0 -.1 pub lie it; can bo continued which will, a3 alrsnyg, increase the de-ar.d. lo-to oil conu~n-y the- controls it ui 11 hove on OTf.oto.nlju ond soon to be nationally .’norm service, nvaila.V.o r.'.. if* stations o-.d not available 't’otbcv. of. 1 stations. ■y 0 financin', should not cool more than t’e present poor rap service of the oil co-’ponies. "ravelerr. gather present saps from ©very co'-papy .because none gives vutih of the desired information. 7a the other hand, letters and even tslograne, cone to ”3 -fro-' over t’-e U-’ltcd ftr.tco, nd .oven fro •» foreign cov-trieo, which prove that we hnve developed r service of recognised value—. those letters a id ry long e:-~ par-*men, coot-?te -f 1 tr-velera (cut conference* with tr vel-routhjg leaders, have clothed no with -pry \r.".der?i.andiag2. This -rap can now he -ade so on to remin standard for ye’ro to co ©j this tree not ■ possible pv.-pra 1 y'ecro ’nek. I have had to cor.oidcr s- ■ ?ar to continue taking care of the thousands of letters of inquiry from individuals that the Old Spanish Trail receives— Hot; to keep these travel-routing bureaus supplied—they constantly write and