^ — ftr^°b*texas mt:etg°!^E^E^ texas January 13th, 1333 Hr. II. 3. Ayres, Battle House, Mobile, Alabama. Dear Hr. Ayres:- Y;ur letter received this morning and of course Hr. Coin has outlined to you what we figure on doing next week. He have not arranged anything definite yet as to the marking east of Houston for the simple reason that it will cost lots of money and you know the financial condition at present. However Colp and I will try to figure out something and advise you what v;e expect to do. My idea would be for you to stay over there and get acquainted and do as much as possible for the Alabama and Florida people and if I can be of any assistance to you at all I will come within the next ten days. Hiss Huey of course has advised you as to the happenings of the office and you will note enclosed a carbon copy of ray letter sent to Mr. Clayton and you do whatever you think best. Hope your cold is a great deal better , but possibly talking for this money you have sent in has -had more to do with the throat than the cold, lets hope new that you will have a speedy recovery Don't hesitate to tell these people we are going to mark that road east of New Orleans and do it right away because Colp and I are going to do it or bust. Hith best wishes, I sun. V e r y t r ul y y o ur s F3J: AH