-4- There are many other deficiencies in the state regu-ations which do not meet local conditions, of which each community test judge, The organized billboard interests of the country be expected to appose this bill because conformity to various local rules will cause them much more inconveniences than conformi y only to rules of state-wide application. But they cannot expect the people's mandate in the constitution calling for the restriction of their business to be carried out without serious inconvenience to them. Their business is not the first to be inconvenienced by public retaliation. Some have been suppressed; and concerns erecting billboards will be really fortunate if Placed in the same position in re- as au other building contractors, gard to local regulation as In section 2 Of the bill a perfects amendment is • + 0„t nf the section without opening the necessary to carry out the intent of 1 the exemption from the law granted to certain door to abuses under the ^ ^ ^ ^ hearine it was at- advertising by the final Prov osal to insert the .nq+ such abuses by the prop tempted to guard ag ndicate", but in order to o-i after the word — word "only” in line «oniy« must be inserted al~ ,,,..,,0 intended the wo accomplish th?e p P „ otherwise this exemption -v,- v/ord ’’advertise • 33 In line 23 after erect billboards of any , -ic? ins companies v clause would allow a aS near the street as they n a location^ w Cits, anywhere they eou . ^ ^ the words "This Land For Pleased, place at the top o ^ ^ ^ other advertising; and Sale", and rent the r em-ining P^ ^ property or a part thereof 3uoh boards, because they adver regal limitations whatsoever, - for sale", would be exempt from thus neutralising everything in the