H. B. PHILIPS. CHAIRMAN CHAS. A. BROWNE. STATC HWY- ENG'R Mr.H.B.Ayres, % Elks Club, Washington,D .C. Dear Mr. Ayres; Yours of the 28th. to hand, and I note what you say in regard to the changes made by the O.S.T. 1 think this was wise and I believe it will help you out in getting a short line from Tallahassee to Tampa via Perry. You take this up with the Chamber of Commerce at Perry. I expect to try to get off from here about the To., of June with fruit growers of Florida going to Los Angeles, and probably will be out there, if 1 go, some little time. If you can give me a letter to your headquarters at Los Angeles I will take up matters with them for your interest in boosting things over here, if you want me to, and when I come back will be glad to assist you in any way I can in making further developments in Florida. With kindest regards, I remain, Yours very truly, H. D. PHILIPS TALLAHA30CC. FLA. W. J. HILLMAN. MARIANNA, FLA. W. W. CLARK. WALL SPRINGS. FLA. I E. SCHILLING. MIAMI. FLA. Marianna,Fla;May 30th.1922„