€he^i!d5pan isu Trail ^^)5;*'tfLO,«DA TO CALI FORM IA • The Old S^TsHTnAiirfesN?" Telephone Crockett 2268 ’!r. R. H. Dodge, St. Elmo, Ala. Dear Sir: Will you please furnish this office '.vita a list of the Old Spanish Trail members who paid their membership fees in the soring of 1933? It wo have no -Liob o- L..osa memb-^s and v/ish bo straighten out our records. In addition, we are now getting out Convention literature rn;i want hese names ior our mailing list. Thanking you in advance for this information, we are. Yours very truly, OLD A'TI5H TRAIL ASSN. , <}- & Asst. Secretary. PRESIDENT—Dr. Fred B. Johnston. san antohio. texas. MANAGING DIRECTOR-H. B. Ayres, san antonio. tixas VICE PRESIDENTS: SECRETARY-HERBERT BAYLISS, lake Charles, la. TREASURER—M. G. McNair.suleport. hiss. FLORIDA—F. W. MARSH, pensacola. florioa FIELD ENGINEER-Harry LOCKE.losangeles.cal. ALABAMA-John Craft, mobile, aiaoama MISSISSIPPI—H. S. Weston, logtowh. miss. DIRECTORS-S. H. PECK, mobile, alabaha LOUISIANA-MARTIN BEHRMAN. new ORLEANS, la. R. H. Fleming, new Orleans, la. EAST TEXAS—W. E. Lea. orange, texas H. A. McDonald, beaumont. texas WEST TEXAS—Walter Schreiner, kirrville. tcx. J. C. Baumgarten. schulenburg. texas WESTERN—A. H. Gardner, tombstone. Arizona SOUTH TEXAS-W. R. PERKINS, Alice, texas --------- ___________________________________ W. A. HUEY. ASST. SECY, san ANTONIO.TEXAS D. E. COLP, Mgr. Western dept., san antomio. texas SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. ^SDrUM”/ IS, 1933.