historical H>octetp g>t. Sugustine Jfloriba e 280 St.George St. St.Aujustine,Florida March 24,1927 Harral Ayres OgT Managing Director San Antonio,Texas. My dear Mr.Ayres, / Thank you far your letter and booklet. V/e are Having / made, by The Record Company, a plate oi' the Oldest House, and one of Fort / Harion for your booklet. Our Curator Hr.Harris took your booklet to the ' Record Company with an etcning of the Oldest House to have the cut made suitable ior the booklet; and tney have at tne Record Company cuts of the Fort. I suggested to Mr.Harris that tne watch tower would be the best v.^picture of tne Fort for tne booklet. 'lie have lately received from Spain tne inventory of tne missions of St.Augustine,Florida made in I7S4 when Florida was transfered to the English Grown.From tnis we learn that there were six or seven cofradia in St.Augustine at that date.c&fc^ of these were canonically instituted and approved August 31,1603 and established as follows Cofradia of the Most Holy Christ of tne Holy True Cross oi the Solitary (Santissamio Christo de la Veracruz de la Soleuad) founded at the time of the Presidio,in the convent of St.Francis, by the soldiers oi tne garrison. Cofradia of Our Lady oi the Concepcion founded at the same time, of the same convent, by the residents ana garrison. Cofradia of Our Lady oi the Hermitage that serves ''La Soledad" of the Parish / 156 years ago, by the children sons oj. the soldiers (1605) Cofradia ou Our Lady oi the Milk of the first institution by the native (De la Leche) Indians and soldiers. (a map we have oi 1764 says this was on the spot where Menendez had the first mass neld,a chapel is on the same pla.ce now or near it.) Cofradia of the brotherhood of the Most Holy Sacrament oi the Parish (Cervantes and literary men in Spain belonged to 1655 this order) Cofradia of Our Lady of the Rosary 136 years ago (1628) by devotion general of the soldiers and residents. Cofradia of Los Animas 158 years ago (1606) Cofradia I cannot ox our Lady oi Guadafupe in 1722 by the same devotion, translate all the document,