AT THE LEETING: Have a wall map with t]ie highway travel movements shown in colors. Have Coast 03T finance statement. Have anything from OST headquarters needed. speakers to keynote; don't throw open to Torn, Pick and Harry. Offer resolution headed, OUTLINE TOR DISCUSSION. This will serve to lead the open discussion, also promote open discussion which makrs people say it was a good meeting. Finally, probably with amendments, the resolution can be adopted. If a Mississippi chapter is to be organised seek as many nominations for President and Secretary as possible, then elect. Then ask the people go home and designate their representative on the board thru their chamber of commerce, or otherwise, from the cities agreeing to coordinate. At the meeting of the board elect vice-president, treasurer. One officer or director from each city, or two if desired. MEETING PROGRAM: Temporary officers keynote speakers Outline resolution and discussion Organize Mississippi chapter Permanent officers take charge .agree on city quotas based on ;2,000 fa bal. of 19k8. {quota principle is 10ji per capita) Agree definitely when the several quotas are to be paid. Seek proper inclusion in the travelog Is route marking desired? will Coast welcome and participate in motorcade to St. Augustine? THE WESTERN ORGANIZATIONS; Automobile Club of Southern California, income pi,600,000 annually. California, Inc. All-Year Club of Southern California San Diego Club Tucson. Cateway Club, El Paso. Bdv/v of ■Dui/y. 01 ,v .7-1Ga u.S.Gfi A auaeested call for a coa^fc wide me.oting. Called by the Highway Committee, -or the Coast Club, or as thought best. The reaction to the Xya.ll should vitalize public sentiment, and spread information. / The Call will also establish a leadership. The meeting./if well led, will lead to results.