ing mo to recolHllHillU- Harry Locke, of L03 Angeles, who has traveled and mapped over 200,000 miles of local and transcontinental roads in the past few years, is qualified to compare the value of various characters of road construction, as ho has made a constant first-hand, study of this subject, which has be come vital to the advancement of counties and states all through the country. Mr. Locke is field engineer of number of good roads and highway associations, and his published guide books are In constant use by thousands of travelers throughout the South and Southwest. Tells of Benofits. Mr. Locke Is much interested in the Dallas county road bond issue, which will bo voted on Tuesday. In the following statement he stresses the benefits to be derived from a permanent good roads system. “Wherever in the United States communities ’have built permanent roads and highways the benefits and advantages from such investments have been immediate and continuous. - County roads are the business streets of tho farmers, and the highest development of a country cannot be attained until permanent types are constructed. Better social, religious and economic conditions are insured, and communities are becoming known by the roads that lead through them. “California has voted many millions of dollars in state and county bonds, which has resulted in tho wonderful system of highways. that now exists there, and which is constantly being extended. The taxpayers know It is tho best investment they ever made, for the cost of their highways • have been many times repaid to them in increased valuations. Travel to the state has been more than quadrupled. California roads have been advertised all over the country, and the motorists and travelers of the whole nation are eager to get on them. Hundreds of thousands have driven cars across the country with that one object in view, and have been well repaid, for any difficulties encountered in* their long trips. There Is no state in the union that1 has attained a higher degree of development than California, and it is largely due to their highways. Motor trucks •o used extensively in transportation, and automobile transportation lines cover routes for hundreds of miles. This method is far more efficient and economical than any other. Local Roads Inadequate. I have personally traveled over practically every gravel road In Dallas county. and have found them entirely inadequate for the present and future needs of this community. As wonder-fijl and prosperous a county as this NOTED ENGINEER STRESSES mil IF GOOD ROADS should have highways of tho highest ,ype. Thc^benefits derived will be far n excess of any outlays incurred.”