MERIDIAN HIGHWAY JOHN C. NICHOLSON, PRESIDENT DR. F. A. LONG, Vice PRESIDENT ED. MCRAE, SeC.-TreaS. NEWTON- KANSAS MADISON, NEO. FORT WORTH. TEXAS MEIRflDllAN HAQHWAY HIGH GEAR ROAD ACROSS UNITED STATES NEWTON, Kansas, Auril 7th,lS24 H B Ayres, Manager 0 S T San Antonio, Texas Bear Sirs I herewith enclose Bulletin, map and card of I' H I want to get out a folder a little later. IKread with interest account of your zero stone at San Antonio and I wished me might have Been in on it and to have a man to represent us. V.’e have in i'r I.’cRae a fine man and the pity is that l.’r Golp got a few fellows together and re-elected himself President of Texas Division and it is going to be hard to rid ourselves of him. I v-onder what he is doing. came up to Sallna.Kas to our meeting and tried to beat me and to get himself in to run the I' H but signally failed. I wish you would tell me what he is doing if you know for I want to know and I do not know who else to write to. I wish you would send me copies of your new literature if out. Bid you decided to push into “exico and if so on which route? I sent a lot of tourists your way for California last winter. Please let me hear from you. Success to you.