PALMER PILLARS, PRCSiDCfJT STEWART A. LE DLANC. SrcncTAnY HARRY LOCKE. FiCLO ERGiNfCR 66 OLD SPANISH TRAIL” ASSOCIATION HEADQUARTERS. - M O U I L E , A L A U A M A Mobile, Ala., May 10 , 1917o V/EI1XLY EULLLTIIT OF "THE OLE SPANISH TRAIL" ASSOC IVTIOIT. In addition to Officials of "The Old Spanish Trui Association, oflicials of the "llortli and South Rational Bo-' Lino Highway" expect to attend the Convon+ion at Tallahassee j. m. calhoun. May 18th and 10 th# Eh is highway affords direct connection i!A™,DENT fDuluth, Minn« to the "Ocean to Ocean" Highway and will bo a valuable connection* DIRECTORS FLORIDA J. B. PERKINS V. W. HELM W. M.CORRY ALABAMA CAPT. JOHN CRAFT. VICE-PRESIDENT W. M. CLEMENS DR. MCR. SCHOWALTER L. C. IRVINE MISSISSIPPI F. H. LEWIS. VICE-PRESIDENT W. H. BOUSLOG W. A. MCDONALD HART CHINN LOUISIANA LUCIEN LYONS VICE-PRESIDENT WALTER PARKER W A. SCHULER W. E. DERMODY F# Rc S* Phillips, "Th:* Old Spanish Trail" Convention Secretary., Tallahassee, reports that the following letter has been mailed to over one hundr d newspapers m Stacks along the "Trail;2 "You can render a great service t? your State anu country if you will assist in ke ping up interest in the buil drug of "Thr Old Lf aTrail" Highway, which is destined. che r uy near futiue, to h. ihe greatest military highway u, ihu Unitor St;hes, for b^rdw: defense. Z-c w, fi. lit!rrider 'ia;, been appointed Gen -ral Sup-:r-wj.>5cr of '"ihe Old Spanish Trail" Tor Florida, Hr. Heriido"- t as bo e a doing come very efficient and goo a "/orl; in conrectio-/. th "The lid Spanish Trail'1 ;;.n Florida and the above -a^r ointment is in recognition of services so rend. .red. Before sure it meet with approval of everybody. ilfe lianas see Convention car makes the following rrperts in come at ion with present condition of 'The oia Sburish Trail" Fo-v Orleans to Houston;- . o.-.wAvyl this o r.d, we urye you to notice in your paper oh is. ro -v ano thav *Tn^ Cld •Spanish frail* Convent or will o° r.e.l i \.t T al 3 oh as se ' vn Fri^ey -and Saturday, May 13r,h u-M titnt, and request that each city and town in the 3tat® ,5te ivu1 lO cared direduly upon f,rhc Did Spanish Irai 1 -' h;gtvvay or r.etj send ore or dele^a^s to the Convention jd-is yh'vay ;ri.ll Vo ot tha - .tmj at importance to the state and th» nation during war, and in time ot peace will ^rr'i e thousands oi tourists :*o cor.o in their automobiles, which will mean immense benefits to the State, comm ricelly. You co-operation will, oo v ry much approc i ated*|f TEXAS HOMER D. MATTHEWS. VICE-PRESIDENT MALCOLM A. FRASER NEW MEXICO , FRANCIS E. LESTER. VICE-PRESIDENT H. A. LANE ARIZONA 1 HARRY LOCKE. VICE-PRESIDENT 1 WARREN MAC ARTHURj HARRY WELCH JOHN F. MYERS CALIFORNIA ED. FLETCHER. VICE-PRESIDENT .