June 21, 1017 Mrs. P. R. 3. Phillips, Asst. Soofy, Old Spanish Trail Association, Tallahassee, Florida. My clear Mrs. Assistant Secret ry: I am very sorry to note that you have he on ill. s* I ms just getting ready to write you, asking you • how about sono "dope” for' the Sullotia whon your letter ,t-. rived this morning with "dope”. Thanks. Chech for Ol.oo, account of memhorship foe of Hr. T. Cocke received. Than :s. lUnutos of Convention, X note your dolic .to hint about, exit honestly I have boon so busy lately that I k.vo not had time to got same straightened up. fixe minute I got the • chance, I will do so and sve copies printed* Hoanwhilo, pleaso hoop aftor mo. Guidos, 1 have begird nothing further from Mr. Proctor of Tallhass'ee about, Lloyd sent in forty-nine Guides. Write-up of Old Spanish Trail, I note your remarks about. Wore thoy run? Tallahassoe Booster Club's Resolution noted, >,nd I will attempt to follow sane (or make Pillons do it). Peter Johnson, low Orleans, I am writing about this. Clemons* Military Coastal Highway, looks like it'is going to bo a success and going to put us out.of a 3oh. Hurrah! G-on. Leonard Wood has endorsed the propos' tion, provided it is organised on sound linos. Secret .ry -Baker writes tlxat tho Council of National Defcnso has already under consider .tion such a Highway, and the Military Com itteos of both the Senate and tho House are already at work prop'ring Bills Covering tho same thing, and tho Chairmen of these Committees have advised that tho only thing necessary in ox-dor to put this t rough is creation of pupular demand for sane, whioh I am glad to note Tallahassoe is one of tho first urging.