RANTSFOK.D W. SHAW ATTORNEY GENERAL WILLIAM II. KIR1IKK OEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL PHILIP 1). STU1.1I.IS ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL State of Maine Department of the Attorney Genkuai. Augusta April 1, 1924o Mrs J. T. Smith, Department of Beautification 114 Gunter Hotel, San Antonio, Texas* Dear Madam: In reply to yours of March 25th, you are advised that the only lav/ in this State relative to advertising on fences, rocks, etc., reads as follows: Chapter 129, Section 18, Revised Statutes* "Whoever advertises his wares or occupation by painting notices of the same on, or affixing them to fences or other private property, or to rocks or other natural objects, without the consent of the owner in writing, or if in the highway or any other public place, without the eensent of the municipal officers in writing, shall be punished for each offense by a fine of not less than five dollars, normore than tv/enty dollars*" There has been more or less agitation amOng citisens of this state and in the legislature looking toward a constitutional amendment which will allow being passed laws prohibiting advertising on private property along the highways, but soVfar no amendment has been submitted to the people*\ Yours very truly. /' V/HF: R Deputy Attorney General