i.v (that of preventing: the all-day parking imposition by prohibiting early morning parking down town), is hero today and gone tomorrow—then how is a city to break up unsafe, confusing and rankly inconsiderate driving and* parking habits? < 'J'HINK invites Chief Vrllmer to contribute a word-picture of conditions along San Antonio’s narrow downtown streets which served well enough when used under the one-way-traffic regulation, but which frequently suggest a log-jam in a river'’now that they have been thrust bad: to two-way traffic and two-side parking which block access to stores and other business-places. ■JfT IS, the Chief considers, “impossible for police departments to change the nicnt’.l habits of the public through enforcement campaigns, but good road manners are dependent to a very large measure upon the uniform behavior of people who utilize the highways. This in turn is very largely dependent upon uniform legislation.” And those old. familiar spasmodic “drives” to enforce traffic regulations work little improvement in the habits of a community whose routing and parking regulations were modern, sound and sensible in 1030, but are of a seedy back-number variety in 1031. Again observe that Berkeley's celebrated authority on police responsibility for public safety emphasizes the necessity of conforming with “FIXED” traffic rules. •pOR ONE THING, it was salu-tary to learn that the regulation which sought to break up the seriously uneconomic practice of all-day or other long-time parking in the main downtown shopping area, by keening the streets clear up to the accustomed hour for owning the day’s business, had due regard for the democratic principle of equal rights for nil and special privileges for none. Too bad that essential lesson was knocked into a cocked hat here. I The most serious looting ........... , was suppressed, hut at a late hour: on groups of dcmonsfrMors* srill wbr<* on-hanging about the streets. The main thoroughfares were patrolled De by police. a” M. 1'. Among Prisoners. Ij- The looting broke out while a Labor member of parliament and g| II others wore in jal! for partici- pation in Thursday night’s rioting by the unemployed. The M. P.. who will bo tried today is John McGovern. who whs suspended from the House of Commons aft- WL er a fracas last July. He and 11 tic-^ others were charged with "forming mPf part of a disorderly crowd threat- an, ening violence and committing a tm 1 breach of the peace." thi ; Mobs Enter Stores. su While police were concentrated — on the Glasgow Green, where the ** most serious fighting had taken / place, merchants came running to-day to report that mobs were in /q their .t^res. Mounted police galloped to the r rescue of the merchants’ shops and routed the looters with a bombardment of canned goods, bread, jams and eggs, .\ftor the trouble was ?T over broken doors and windows were boarded up, but the streets remained littered with foodstuffs Bis! i and wreckage from the fighting, ing } for the rioters also had used eggs. |gn<, J:„n Jars nn.l rsrtons of l.-ml .md n.or,| b.liter against the police batons. Kpfsj Crowbars, clubs, hollies, ham- scor mers and hatchets were used as Mou^ weapons in the night affray. D Broken furniture was hurled on "far. police from second story windows -13 ----- the Continued on Page <"0111010 1. one Weather Man Scz -Fair" | Jun —... San Antonio and attii WAWHUeJ vicinity: Fair with he WE HEAR light to fresh cast- chu. NOISE ON THE1 erly to southerly and SPORT PP>£ES winds. chu LIKE SOMEBODY] Gen. ,ncr TRYIN'TO CLIMB 1 East Tcxaa’ °vn nici OUTTATHE ASH I erally fair Saturday nnin 3 and Sunday. Light "1 to fresh easterly to ing the coast. Met West Texas: Gen- yho, probably^howoraTn tion the Panhandle Sat- so ft, urdnv end Sunday ,4.,. Hourly Temperature. San Antonio. T«*-. Oct. 1-2. 1931.^ ®“r ? pm.::::::::: :ti * S:™:: 10 p m........7P *°a-n‘.........I" U n rr........73 11 a.m.........83,1 .....-n ] jje. •» a m.:: ™ ?. p.m.........m . * v .....75 Jp.tn..........59 1 F 4 . 74 « P-m.GO: noon m..................................72 5 p m.I M« 5n.m::::::::::7o 7