ist camp near the west side of M. H. water tower south part of cti\\ Sluui-nriilge. Junction Grain Land Highway !,tm Springs municipal park and bath-and upland HWluvov ^ mo. 5. ruiary oi commercial Giub. of .McPherson county. Population YVAHPETON, N. D.—Population 5,000. Junction Meridian with the over .3000, county seat of Richland National Old Trails. Home of Mc-county; has well equipped tourist Pherson college. Excellent tourist ac-canip of 24 acres two blocks south of commodations. Tourist park equipped business center with buildings for use with all modern conveniences, regis-infbad weather. Good hotels, eating tration fee 25c per day. You will like houses and garages. A rich wheat McPherson and McPherson county, and potato country. Government In- Tourist information bureau at Cham-dian School and State School of Sci- ber of Commerce, 109S. Main St. eneo are located here. Average eleva- MOUNDEIDGE, Kan.—Population tion Winnipeg to Lake Traverse 350 SOO. Tn rich farming, territory. Tour-miles, eight inches to the mile. ist camp in beautiful Shade park. SISSETON, S. Dakota.—-Has a pop- Shelter house with showers and ulation of 1500, is the county seat of stoves. Caretaker for camp. Ample Roberts county. It has a tourist camp tourist facilities, with accommodations for 100 cars. NEWTON, Kan.—Countv seat of Nearby are oyer 100 lakes and best Harvey county. Population 10,000. duck hunting in United States. Also Municipal free tourist camp in Ath-a large game refuge. See Old Fort letic park, containing thirty acres, Sisseton. with stoves, shelter and caretaker. Bide a wee m the Coteau Hills, the Touring bureau in Chamber of Corn-continental divide between Hudson merc0 in the City Auditorium on West Bay and Gulf of Mexico. Yellowstone sixth street. Evening Kansan-Repub-Trail crossing between Sisseton and lican with Associated Press service on atertown. West Sixth Street. Santa Fe Middle WATERTOWN, S. D.—Third larg- Division headquarters. Fred Harvey est and one of the most beautiful headquarters. Four large flour mills, cities in South Dakota. County seat Bethel College. Famous water 99.950 of Coddiugton county. Population pure. Junction Meridian with New 10,000. Half way between Yankton Santa Fe Trail, and the Southwest and Fargo. Has two tourist camps. Trail. Home of the founder and pres-Onc in the city limits and the other ident of the International Meridian on shores of beautiful Lake Kam- Highway association, peska—a famous summer resort—only WICHITA, Kan.—City of nearlv fifteen minutes drive from the heart lOO.OOO people. Countv seat of Sedg-of the city. Golf, fishing, boating and wick county. Meridian Highway all other amusements. Junction Meridian paved. At junction of Meridian and with Twm Cities and Black Hills. Atlantic Pacific Highways. Has two HAYTI, S. D.—County seat of private tourist camps and a municipal Hamlin county. Tourist park south camp at 13th St. and Little River, is of the court house. Duck hunting re- the center of the largest system of sorts nearbv. paved roads in the middle west. Is BADGEIJ, S. many lakes tjie fourth largest flour mill center in nearbv. All lines of business repre- the United States and >s largest sente,I ami tourists well take,, care of. aceonmmdTxtio^s for ovorybodC ARLINGTON, S. _ D.—-I opulation amj facilities of. everything.- Seat 2,000. The largest city for its size pafVm0unt college aiul Friends uni-in the state. Good tourist accommo- versitv. Touring bureau with Cham-dntions, tourist camp with lights and ^er* of Commerce on Meridian High-water. Junction Meridian with Black way jn Orpheum building. T™il' ml , . „ . WELLINGTON, Kan. — Population MADISON, S. D.—‘The beauty spot 7 500. County seat of Sumner county the beautifuV'jLrdfce M^llSon'an,fESS w con- ■hotels, cafeteruas, dance pavilions, lenience foi tourists. It lias the Pail-auditoriums, boating, fishing and ban tile Division of Santa Fe railroad hunting. Permanent graveled high- *£?'**. 1S -justly proud of “her homes..” ways leading to these natural summer paV at Touring Bureau in .City Audi-resorts. Population 4200. County seat t°rium an to Colorado Spring's; Abo Pass, cational center. Home of Yankton St. Louis through Amarillo, Texas, college. Yankton is a growing market southern route to California, for livestock, grain, dairy products HENNESSY,, Okla. — Population and general produce. A coining in- J700. In a' rich farming community, dustrial center. County seat of Yank- Has ample tourist facilities and a ton county. Population fiOOO. Tour- paved road, on M. H. south, ists Information Bureau at Chamber KINGFISHER, Okla.—County seat of Commerce. of Kingfisher county. Population CROFTON, Neb.—Population 800. 3,500. Free1 tourist camp, with water, Tourists welcome and made at home, lights and shower bath. Five miles WAUSA, Nebraska—Has a tourist «f Paying on M. H. camp and ample tourist facilities. EL RENO, Okla.—County seat of Home of C. A. Holmquist, President, Canadian county. Population 10,000. Nebraska Meridian Highway Assn. Tourist park with ample accommoda-Population 700. tions. Ft. Reno five miles west. State PIERCE, Nell.—Population .1100. sanitarium and Concho Indian schools County seat of Pierce county. Rich f*VP miles northwest. The Wigwam farming land. Ample facilities for >n “American” office, one of the larg-tourists. est and finest Indian collections in U. NORFOLK, Neb.—Population 11,- S. Flouring mills, pure water. Second 000. Up to date tourist camp with ('lvls,oj1 ^eadquarters Rock Island sys-modern conveniences. The most up to , ■ H. paved into city from north, date city for its size on the Meridian j."’e've nines south of El Reno is the Highway. Twenty-five miles of paved ,ne ne"' bridge of the South Canadian streets. Fine golf links. One half nver opened last year costing one-million dollar high school. Road in- aa*f million dollars. .Four miles south formation and information bureau at of tlle budge is Minco. Population 700. Chamber of Commerce Rooms, June- CHICKASHA. Okla.—County seat turn Meridian and Blue Pole Highway, of Grady county. Population 10 17S) MADISON, Neb.—Population 2,000. jurist camp at fair.grounds, east of Comity seat of Madison county. Tour- ”oc'c Island station find one at citv ist camp near the west side of M. H. water tower south part of ctiv. Shan-•>1 1 r (PH?!1 .Grain I'al|d Highway !lon Springs municipal park and bath-