TO OUR MEMBERS: 1>+ HEADQUARTERS. SAN Al 2 J02:.: We have printed (20,000’ copies, 4S pages, of the -_.i-closed travelog. 18,500~copies of the previous travelog edition of (20,00(1’ copies have been distributed. These travelogs are'on distribution at tourist directing agencies ail over the United States. Great care is exercised to have all information correct. 7500 miles of auto travel have been expended the past fourteen months gathering and re-checking information; in addition there were on file years of accumulated records. All had to be assorted, edited, checked and proved, arranged for the printer and re-checked, and while getting in type constantly checked against original records to prevent errors. Tourists by hundreds have been talked with to find the form of information most-needi I. Research records respecting old Spanish history have been in progress for six years—many volumes have been read; dates and old records have been checked against one another for no complete history exists. Not : a half of the highway is as yet covered in this work. Da ; you want the work continued ? We believe this is the , most orderly and complete travel literature published by any national highway. The highway departments have done'remarkable work in getting the Old Spanish Trail open as it now is and equally fine is the program of construction now evident in all of the states from Florida to California. Careful estimates show $35,000,000 have been spent to date and fully $10,000,000 in improvements to be started during 1925 are now quite definitely indicated. A half of the credit for the success of the Old Spanish Trail plans must go to the newspaper and magazine editors for their constant aid in the work, most of it a voluntary service due to their personal interest. If you want more travelogs please advise us. Sincerely, August 28, 1925. Harral E. Ayres, OST Managing Director. (Over)