Sheet 5 , : p- „ RaSO.o • i.. -- , . -- n oI:-- g In field ■; or:' o ;; o ■‘:V; ’ • •• -J-’ I/"; oc vis; Jon mtil othor •, • ; r. : - ;■ to pay ■ s : orotofor .■ hir: v .on c ;u and .utv . _ ■ see. ' cOfE. Ciis fie-d i;ian on salary v/ill handle all field work nor3 intelli- but this polio: can await the gently and at great savihg or expense, "but this polios Convention where an annual budget or $40,000 and a clearin will he possible. of all polioiei 12 RESOLVED, That the 01 Ieui orploy an office: . n._ o to attend to necessary bool-keeping, routine and correspondence. 13 RESOLVED, That 10,000 histor; 1 o >k3 1 1 . o: a red i funds allow. To cost about $250 0? no _rc ceded in field work. .Lso that envelope 1 stt .1" ordered, the names of the Executive to.v.-iTvOc to . _• •_ :oo '• on ' " ;tt ' o do. Cl. o> , ichion o :forr ■ " to Chairman and !ar-eging Director. 14 RESOLVED, .Thai OST >mpl 3 stri: t th lr Cl" lino;,; nig; pr motion f other highways not b ing j t of C.-H - tion of Ow'd linos belongs to 1:1.0 oard f Li store, under Uie constitution. in RESOLVED, That the Ch . ' :f rc . 1: .!■: : \ " rarosdad . ;-------- - ~ •....«-.? - . . - „ .. _ -t» 1 -1 •>. - . . nu~ - to organ.' - 0 ■■ d. ,. . d nlo- Liege fellowship Trip. IllISLIiTE ECEC3JB IIEIIO HOh OTJIL.'.HGE H 1 h to the _’.cst '200 00 / H I. moneys adveneed, 270 65 £> Office- -. n.r to “an 1 300 00 T id ing c irrent s _ s s . 1 t or''. 0 ' ' ■ ■ . . ; 50 CO To I odd. cue etc. zo 00 lister2 book'.. 250 00 R B Thompson ? JT» H pr ■ d ..: ,2s. Ho . , /v]M ^ ' 10,000 were printed in Leo mber t 1 paid t .0 .... folic, . .1 . 100hi 5 is are ail gone. Collections were not made, therefore the printer is still unpaid. oerd . rinding Co pa ; . 10,OC book] tg J220 75 Icy. onts pledged: Ih„ f-or Co...:.'ere a, . kes r-Pn ien" i al H ;1 s Crockett Hotel G-unter Hotel Hutchins Hotel it ...nthong ..ctel Hr..velars Hotel Honger ' 30 said 10 OC “to 00 20 00 " 10 00 40 00 20 00 05 CO ’* 35 00 20 00 '125 ' ” R>