a iu.oRi’ so o© Sii .il i GAUi FOil .pkll OOAF.Ibid)A ■ ’no time lies oorae v/kra ell friends of the Ola Spanish frail ;vm*t oet to as vs it fvo’5 disaster., la throe yesrc this uigfewy system has boon dovolo 'Od iko i c aaro drotr without m\?: acbstaattel suppert oar recognition, until to&v- it is nation?:X£v. reoognisoa as of first iKporteinoo, saia o;.ibro.oc3 4000 sAlea in its ;r£iia and*' tributary tamafeHnoa. It hats cost throe yaora of tell and Baerifbso,, At first only u little group of Antonfs,- ao . ■■.•2 .ant Saarnc aaataiwoa the v/orls, \7hilo olsev&oro along tlio route elai.::oa there woro various othor highvi&y associations elabr&ng the support of the people, or indifference prevented support to the ?..'!•? rcovo :ont. Shi a highway -h»9 ho an rarkol by other oIai--7.vntA in ton or raoro sectionc. treat physio"il difficulties, fse-ny of v;Moh still exist, also discouraged interest, • v. :i nado th.o dror*.n of 15 comoo to-.1 Ughsa*; across the continent soon unreal, iap ^-unities, oxiC, even states* stood for policies and inaugurated construction progr- nsc tlr-it would have loft the bid Spanish !£rail,~as pro;}octal* broken and ignored,. Xj iiia end of 19HO. the paoplo •..•ore er-toltiag the vision of n great highway, and fin*: -of.:! support v;aa inorb • iu • Oh on cu-ao 1961 with ito lintmolsl depression, ;ae®oi*.i«s of which -rx-a still V:.zm2. in the hearty of ill business oca, Xhere was little 'on;, or • hour At for £■.i1-.-flung project like this, particularly to • gin£ 5director iQx'a^Mnprftt Janoarj ? X9g£ fw the ihst where conditions ware keeping tho project a "broken and wirecogniaed Mgftawag.. Slaero v;:vs no organization in liiu^ Suet, and OSS Headquarters at San Antonio van a "foreign corporation. ' eastern road-builuln^ yro'blaas r.vo herd. state highWH;;. ’.saps wore oeing preoaroa for Sha Federal ..-.oaO. iurorm with cooticas ox nato Jld Spanish .s.raix not" included, or alee Included with seconder;:; ratine, FoiLorax aid t»« denied m ui i-oortaai aoction. Twa tftowMcn footed t'io -u/aging xispootor c»t iirot, thou those cooyio rallied with fino oarnostnoss.. In i'jivdh a lpur~..tuto conference lasting three dsijo m» held at obil©, uM a groator one plvnaoi for 19ki5. 'xao li?,st thou sttpjplioO i-ioiioj £os? all work tlioro, then sivupixci'.'. '-l.o fields x.® the . /xnaging 3>irootor'a work at .auhlngton whovo tho Old Spanish hreii v.as finallsT placed on all the eta to ravpo for prlr.prs attention and .a a oart of the fedora! ejetoia —* and wfcoro tho ar ^oyertacat p'.yo mid tno 0s2 sjotera wore ’brought into accord •••ad ot..to :oat issued t>j the . ar Dcp'irt ont that this hi;^iwa?; cud ito hordorl.ind oonnootioao voro now a part of tho yXi-.nu for national defense — and whtwo oonutors «nd congress- ; .illlHi;- K20HV3 3 \: JIH HOiSS I &RZ W S ; AIG A!-? A SHI-ACCT