2004 FOURTEENTH ST. PHONE 13 OPTOMETRIST GULFPORT, MISS. July 30thl932., MR. H. B. Ayres. San Antonio Texas: My Dear Mr. Ayroa* Your Letters receivod. Hhwever your second letter vvaa received two days after your glasses had Been sent and A felt sure that by the time * received ycmr letter you had received your glasses. Which I hope you have and are wear ing to you' satisfaction. Your Dr. Has prescribed the best glasses listed and tho you may have gotten by a little cheaper I believe that h that the little extra is well worth the difference in price. I Have no boubt that this prescription i3 a very good one and that you will have no trouble whatever. I certainly thank you for the privilege of serving you and hope that 1 may continude to do so. with best personal regards 1 am., Yours ‘ery Truly, L.