K ft t.,ok was "bonded, but the application for this bond was made two weeks ,.r\v.ter the Director's return and had protested against the reckless J- conditions. 7 Q. ARE COLLECTIONS REMITTED XIT FULL TO HEADQUARTERS OR DO TEE MEN CONVERT CHECKS AND FUNDS TO THEIR OWN ACCOUNT? a. Shreve for some time ha.s been .allowed to indorse checks and convert funds to himself, remitting only 25-1 —it is shown after all adjustments he remitted less than 25/h Thompson has been allowed to convert checks or funds, 8 Q. ARE THERE UNFULFILLED OBLIGATIONS DUE BY FIELD MEN, FOR WHICH THEY HAVE ALREADY BI523T PAID? IF 30, YiHAT IS THE LIABILITY THEREUNDER? A. Beginning last March money was collected for Section Maps with travel information for the divisions, San Antonio to Orange, to El Paso, to Brownsville, 10,000 to each division. These were promised for the summer tourist travel. In September an ignorantly planned and crudely printed booklet came from the printer----it had to be condemned as a dis- grace to any intelligent organization. Moreover, that booklet was an advertising jungle, not the section map planned, and did not contain the travel information intended, nor anything to really justify the thousands of dollars given by the people. It will probably cost ^1,000 00 to gather the proper travel information and to prepare and print the 50,000 section maps intended, and to perform other service due the people. There is also a printing Esrfsiask account for the lo,000 booklets printed and condemned. It is not clear how much of this service Shreve was to perform. He gathered the advertising, has been overpaid his commissions, and disclaims further responsibility. Members and advertisers are complaining about givdng so much and getting no returns. Shreve was expected to mark the GST where needed. Most of the marking in Texas had previously been done. Where inspected, Shreve's marking is not according to specifications, and (like the booklet) is so careless it is a reproach to the organization. It will cost more to correct this marking than if no marking had been done by him. 9 , YiHAT IS THE TOTAL OF FUNDS COLLECTED FROM THE PEOPLE WITH THE PROMISE OF SERVICE TO BE RENDERED, WITH THE SERVICE STILL UN RENDERED? AND WHAT MON- EY IS IN THE TREASURY OR AT COMMAND TO PERFORM THIS SERVICE? A. The San Antonio office has had, since January 1, 1922, over ;„j8,500 00 On September 8, 1922 the bank balance was $17 84 It will require 84,000 00 to y5,000 00 to pay existing neglected accounts, to re-eheok, prepare, print and issue properly the section maps with the travel informat ion" promised, to correct improper marking, and to carry the office until some means are found to obtain new funds for this liability. WHY DID THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF EL PASO REFUSE TO SUPPORT OR INDORSE THE OST FOR FUNDS? A. A so-called budget was submitted El Paso which was justly condemned. That "budget” was improper, unauthorized and not worthy the approval of thinking men. COMMENT. The conduct of Headquarters and the service of the organization have degenerated into a happy-go-lucky state. ^ Established_ ■policies, protective methods, adopted standards, constitutional requirements, etc., have been ignored. Members have not been protected by the service sought to be extended; on the contrary members of long standing, and loyal communities, have been discriminated against, and the