San Antonio, Texas, February 25th, 1932 Mr. H. B. Ayres, Mobile, A1 abasia. Dear Harral:- Yours of the 30th \7as received yesterday and the stencils mailed to you by parcels post. I have gone out and measured one of the markers and I find it runs as follows! Entire length 18 inches, with about 5 inches added for the number. The white space for the arrow is about 3^- inches. The red and yellow should be about two inches. The decalcomanias are being sent to J. W. Randall, Loszley, Ala, Yours of the 23.rd just received. I note what you say with reference to the proposition slipping on you, but of course you expected this, as things always do slip when a fellow turns loose one hand to get a new hold. On the other hand you are bound to turn loose in order to climb. So there you are. What are you going to do with it? It doesn't look discouraging to me because I never put over a proposition of any size in my life that I didn't have a similar cccurance. You know the same thing happened to me at Brownsville. They even broke up a meeting on me one day which was the biggest meeting ever held,at the Chamber of Commerce in Brownsville. They refused to take any action in the matter. Wouldn't even give me any comritteeto help circulate the petitions. The Chamber of Commerce backed up and said it couldn’t be done. This happened about 2 o'clock in the afternoon of a meeting that had been in progress for three hours. I walked down the street and got me some beans and a glass of water. Really ashamed to eat a square meal and charge it to the association after getting a set-back like that, but after jL ate my beans I felt better. About that time I walked across to the hotel and had an encouraging letter from you, then I said to myself, "Well , if Harral thinks that way. I'll put it over anyhow." I just simply went down the street and picked up my friends that hadn't backslidden and grganized my committees and had them meet me at Osborn’s office next morning at 9 o'clock and we put on a whirlwind campaign, signed up names of people who represented 75efn of the taxable values of Brownsville and presented them to the commissioners court at 2:30 that afternoon and had the election ordered. Now, you see I didn't loose a thing by .the slip. I got my election ordered just as quick as if every man in the house had volunteered his services to circulate the petitions. I will admiit they had nearly all of my goat but I made up my mind I wouldn't leave town until the Klu Klus tola me to do so and if you will get that bulldog grip on that bunch down there you will put it over the same way. I will try to get Capt. Fauntleroy on the telephone during the day and will tell you in the postscript on this letter the results of my conference with him. I believe that I could get Judge McCrory and Capt. Fauntleroy both to go to Liobile for your meeting if it wasn't for the fact that March 20th is their regular monthly meeting date, but I will get a nice letter from Judge Mc.Crory and probably one from the Captain, but I will tell you now he is the hardest man in the