Gunter Hotel, Son Antonio, Toxns, May 14th, 1989. Col. Tim Ashburn, Manager, Chamber of Comm orce, Houston, Texas. Dear Mr. AShburn: "/hen I returned from Houston I found copies of the Gill-Dupont statement calling that Houston meeting. That wap. my first Icncr,-lodge of that document. They nrobnbly did not mril me n copy. T'very statement is cither false or misleading. T was puzzled at Houston to know the real meaning of the meeting. I observed of course that only two men beside Gill and Dupont worn there from Louisiana and that only tv/o men beside Furlong v/ere thorn from Texas. I learned 3inoo that Furlong by long distance * phone got the attendance of those two men. I am enclosing copy of e letter from Frail Loeffler, .Tuner,ion, Texas who is also Chairman of the west Texas OST organ!sat-ion in. which he emphatically denies the statements of Gill and Dupont, that there is disloyalty in 'Lest Texas. I will not go into detail here respecting the malicious falseness of the other statements. With this underhand work going on both the convention idea and the motorcade to Sen Diego are thrown into confusion. I am sorry now I did not stay and have a reel nan to men talk with you and thus probably have gotten down to the bottom of things. Sincerely yours. . It. Ha:B eno. I Hnrral ayres. Managing Director