OLD SPANISH TRAIL PLANS FOR TRAVEL DEVELOPMENT AND FOR BETTER BUSINESS CONDITIONS. It has taken IS years and $70,000,000 to open this highway; not to complete it'but to opeh it to comfortable travel. It will require"$40,000,000 for paving and improvements. Today the Old Spanish Trail is the best travelway a-cross the' continent but travel la not turning this way because the eastern OS!'people "are not, yec 'cooperatingTo get it. The northern routes to Califrrnia and the West aro intrenched by SO years of steady use and aided by permanent organizations with over $*2,000,000 annual income. Plans to draw travel to the Old Spanish Trail have been developing for a number of years. They cannot be carried through without general cooperation.. A groat highway has boon opened. Business is built up and territory settled and developed those days whore overland trunk lino travel is steadily developed. Tho automobile brings new people and now money. ********* THE TRAVEL DEVELOPMENT PLaNS 1. Organizations of State CST Units under local oftficals to promote local interests, to look aftor additional highway improvements, and to coordinate with national hcadquartors. 2/ Developing tho travelog and its distribution. This is now distributed by more than 500 auto clubs and travel routing offices. It has b^un published since 1S24. 100.000 copies arc nor/ needed annually. 3* Wider distribution of the road wall maps along tho OST and at northern routing offices. 4. Route marking. "U, 3. 9Q': is merely a mechanical number . Tho ’’Old Spanish Trail" can bo made a national household word. 5. Extending the historical signing and spreading tho Old Spanish history. Tho historical background can bo mad as alluring as tho appeal of Old Now England or other sections. 6. National newspaper and magazine publicity. Articles with photos, arc gladly received by national editors 7. Correcting in the interest of the southern country the numerous maps put out for route guidanco. Those maps have not caught up with southern progress. They still emphasize the old travol trend. 0. A nation;;! convention to settle rational policies and elect officers. This convention is not advisable until dtato organizations and. the local people are more thoroughly behind tho Old Spanish Trail, or more clearly under stand its problems and noods. 9. Dedication of tho Old Spanish Trail monument at St. Augustine, Fla., with Spanish and American govorO nmental participation. Tho rnciiumont is partly completed. Tho Spanish Delegates have been appointed. A motorcade is planned from San D5:ogo, California to St, Avrcustino next spring. Those plans are now in suspense, xc was hoped in this way to thoroughly sell this southern country to northern people.