VIII. WESTERN DIVISION — 1,000 Mileo. Arizona and California to Los Angelas, 836 ms. The old mission , works in California continued northward beyond San Francisco. The Santa Cruz Valley in Arizona, Tucson to Nogales, 86.G ms., was a western entrance from Old Mexico into the Spanish Southwest. The old missions, San .Xutfisr (1893) and Tumacaoori, older, are there, two of the most remarkable churches ever built in a wilderness. In Arizona and California were the last of the works of the Spaniard, and the most numerous of those amazing communal establishment e,- tlje old Franciscan missions built a day's jo urn ay apart, the firsy at Sun Diego in 1769. N 6 In Arizona, too, Coronado in 1540, with an expedition worthy . of a king's ransom, searched for the Cities of Gold. He pushed his search for three years through northern Texas and on to northeastern Kansas', then returned t. broken man.