Terms or Court. Pensacola—First Mondays in May and Marianna—First Monday in April. Off ^IllS ttXF. Tallahassee—Second Monday in Jan- _____ uary. * Gainesville—Second Mondays in June OFFICE OF and December. United States Marshal, Northern District of Florida. PENSACOLA, FLA. May 17, 1917 W. M. Herrider, Tallaha.ss ee, Fla. Dear Mr. Herrider: Enclosed I era pleased to hand you letters whi ch Mrs. Herrider sent me this morning. I am very sorry that the duties of my office will not permit me to "be with you at the meetingof the Old Spanish Trail Association tomorrow and next day. Please explain to the Tallahassee Boosters why I am not on hand, and express to them my deepest regret and. Best washes for the success of the meeting. One of our deputies will leave for Atlanta tomorrow and Mr. Mackey and myself will have our hands full preparing and issuing passes to alien enemies permitting them to Be allowed in the restricted, district as set forth in the Pres,. Ident's proclamation of April 6, 1917- Again expressing regret that I cannot Be with you, I Beg to remain,