J.te» I* i'o Dickie, 5ec.PQt.ary, Chamber of Commerce, Tampa, 1?1p.« My Gear ^Ir.Diokio: Heferring to your letter of the 11th inst. to '.irs* Phillips, which she showed mo when I v/ae in Tallahassee at the•Convention. I had a talk with her and with \r* Lollosgnrd arid orplni noil tho whole a It nation to thor, that Tampa war not loft off the- Old Spanish frail and that Jacksonville vsns not e terminal* The terminal ov rxolnoo the first convention Jws been Klami, and wy roooll action la your action at . onvontion. in 1915 v/ae tJ’t’.t the: old Spanish frail run to final ££§!?■ Tampa, and this was arreefi on* However, for practical pur pesos It wne nocoas. r. or Locke to shot; a road by .which tourists could get to Itlami, and for this reason his took ahotvod road rtn-ln:pin addition to Tampa. to Miami via Jacksonville-. It also shows as under construction a link from EarrpAto Miami, and tho intention wna and in when thin link is- completed, to eliminate tho eastern optional road.unless tho Florida Vlee-Frooident, Directors and Convention chano It* The reason v/hy your lottos was not answer-ed sooner was I thought ./resident- Plllons answered it and I was very busy* I explained to fr. Lolloagard, as your reproe.entat 1 ve, tho l/'fieulty the Old Spanish Trail had incurred in trying to got recognition from Tamps* V;o el-la od tho Old Spanish Trail went through Tamps, hut on all maps ' nd routes in Florida pnhllohod, it the route we'had deal