memo to 17.Ana;:, me. • . Steps in efforts to Affiars a: d to Control finances. I I left for too Mast. hnnuary IS** Dor some ti as , : and until raisahandl-ing at Sari Antonio became apparent-, money v,ras sent from the East by me to help for Mea.q. expanses, although •Meadq.t hat 'never xaxx served t- e yncv.gk tc warrant those- remittance.#; a total of $1585 6d was remitted, trie last being ..j 2, i933. About m. . iisbursed iri .. .. :erit ....' eastexi experises, leaving about $765 00 net money to Sari Antonio account#. These figures include y;J50 to hunter hotel for rant av... t‘150 to Golp for salary.. Co....unib&tioas • t reacki i e of financial distress at Ileadq. April era a telegram from C'olp read: V.'IRS -‘J250 TO PERCY TYJ^ELL QUICK. I yas .re if. the way things were drifting at Eeadq. so sent Tyrrell $250 direct, depositing personal money at Mobile to help cover draft. Twice subsequent to this .1 actually '.rrote- telegrams to - Roly autloriain.. hi: to dram on ay personal band for $500. for expenses-, but a better Judgment (I guess') held me buck;. I ended by sending Coif ay gorco -.1 s.roch for '2.50 do This is entered on tie cash bool: April IT., for salary for Colp. Later, it appearing no effort world be tc rep g ,.:e, I was rs-inburssd fro..: eastern funds.,’ then eastern affairs needed this money a I reeturned it, so that I stand with this : *50 rent payment as due me personally. It is not entered on the dST ;sok, but creditor of course by the Gunter Her el. 2. Prior to these transactions there mere. uu..:erov.e indication's of usurpation and mis-handling. February h Oth a bulletin was 'issued with M E' Colp1 e name at the Isav of the officers’ana directors as "Manager of the fond Depart eat," and the nano of the office stenographer, Miss WMA.Huey, at the head of trie officers' and directors :as "Secretary to the Prcsiaor.t. " About the sane tine letterheads '.acre issued with the scare printing., (incidentally, the bulletin referred to is another horrible printig mess) 3 In March financial statements to ns ceased and I declined^ to sign more checks in blank until reports in good order were submitted. Thereupon a bank account was opened i.. the ha_.c...n„lh M.ak, San' Antonio, subject to the o ? t..c president only, and all money received thereafter is understood to have been deposited there, and the official bank account in the City rational.Bank was abandoned. The OST constitution requires tbs signature of the President and the Treasurer. fit has been customary since Ilia to also have the signature of tne Managing Director on all checks. T...e present' treasure? lives in Mississippi and many inconveniences arose, banking so far away. Once a deposit of seme ten checks was lost, protests and sin vseakss of complications followed. Thereupon the treasurer authorised the opening of a bonk account in San Antonio and u.e signature of the managing director to represent nim. This preserved t..o coin. itutio: al status. It was this proceeuure that n. . wbandoneu by she President.