Mry i'v'e’J.fth 1„ aimer iillt ns,(lent, 03,panish ••• ri il Assooiati „ .'lob ill-. fy dei.r ..i'r. Pillans* I thru?'- you ''or your letter and the copy of letter to Senator Bankhead. 1 received letter from hie,yesterday, sayin • thft h< leave Washington. Too bad. 1 have put our Commis-:1 ion r of ■ ;riculture, ... oKoe.on t] . .- onin for the 18th, end left : : r. feraft, ant some v fch trs, o tl I ; ou cm oi the ; ■: pro Lnent o to fill in 1 he ti »,or 1 vdL3 11 I an fi • th( 1st o eoeeptimces,lei vi space s< i oover jorae speoial erson o you is! to ■ s:: ' ,. ..... ■ : , .... ••' » givi n« . , : t Gin not oon . ... in « I in3 thi t ■. ■ 111 be all right for you to whi :. you thin ,oi iat rday, e otl er ni bteri e way; 1 . nl thoi who 3 ve J will jarticl tte on Friday ......... . pii: for ;« t tl < tkn ] ei sent side bii 3 b sessi ml I clif not o ih t ,' ■ ight others. 1 an sinoerel; gl’i fl that - o n ' ve e- n . s u L3 i in buil lii : bhli ... t higl y. P... will t] < tl ling out of t his "in: it",yet hat wi3 i flivver by bhe : ii ■ 3: is :rai lal ' it entire Len.-; Rooms have been reserved it ^eou -“o :el for you ;. n(! /our effioni I , Yoi ore bo .... me. • ■ ' But, you ( ’. fr< bo [< L n i .... not uit • • b ■- 1. vei ■ ■ i ou3 lo< ou, ei soi : llj ,so thinl oi 111 bi ortable. ii rci erving rooi i Lth bath. This 3s not neoes- y,but e wunl to fee] eat regards• Very tru'!:/. (C .. to . .)