Prom Old Spanish Trail Head*. San Antonio, Texas HEWS, for immediate relase NATI^™m?LD SPAHISH 5BAIL CONVENTION TO MEET AT SAN DIEGO ■ELECTION OP OFFICERS AND TRAVEL DEVELOPMENT PLANS MONSTER MOTORCADE TO CROSS CONTINENT. San Antonio, Texas, august 19th——The Old Spanish Trail national convention to elect officers and plan for travel development will he held at San Diego, Calif,, October 14th on the arrival of the big transcontinental motorcade, according to announcement by OST officials. The convention was called in session at St. Augustine, Florida, foiling the motorcade and the monument dedication last April, then adjourned to give the people more time to prepare for such en inportant meeting. The OST motorcade to California, directed by Pensacola committees under 0. H. L. Y/ernicke chairman, is expected to take over 500 on the drive from all parts of Florida and the other OST states. These motorcades, the managing director states, are giving the people clear understandings not alone of the groat progress on the highway itself but of the developments and resources of the OST country, Thojr are also fostering acquaintance among the men and women from Florida to California. Corrmunity functions to bring the motorcade and tho local people together are being planned at luncheons, suppers and receptions all Along the highway., When tho convention now moots at San Diogo tho people will bo well informed. Beaumont, Toxas, has invited the motorcade to stop there for a briof session to opon discussion on convontion questions prior to the Sen Diego mooting. OST directors end the motorcade managers at Pensacola are being consulted on this. Thirteen years have bodn consumed in establishing and opening this southern national trunk lino. It is now generally called the most completely opened highway across tho continent. The Executive Board at San Antonio has published a full report on the work and an audit of its finances. Tho managing director, Harral Ayros, socks relief from further service. These meetings and motorcades, ho says, are all a part of tho plan to havo the national convontion well attondod by interested people. A national migration to the South,cMr. Ayr03 statos, will result from tho succoss of these efforts and the convention must elect officers and legislate to carry on greater work than oven that of the past. Nationwide publioity is already started by tho Pensacola motoroado oosr-mitteos and volume travel this winter to the Old Spanish Trail will be in evidence. It is already moving this way these summer months as numerous records show.