JJlEWATriE COiAMBEE FORTY-FIRST LEGISLATURE AUSTIN BARRY MILLER, DALLAS, LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR W. A. WILLIAMSON. PRESIDENT Pro TEMPORE BOB BARKER, SECRETARY ALBERT W. HOLT, SERGEANT-AT-ARMS San Antonio, Texas. April 29, 1930. Mrs. Henry Drought 1215 if. St. Marys Street, San Antonio, Texas. My dear Mrs. Drought: I planned to he present this evening and do my part to show honor and recognition to Mr. liarral Ayres at the Decoration Ceremonies hut engagements have arisen which will hold me until late tonight. Please accept my regrets, and I assure you that I am sincerely sorry that I cannot attend. Mr. Ayres has done a great work for San Antonio and South Texas. To open a highway across the nation and through this section means fixing forever San Antonio's position for automobile travel, il have v/atched this work for ten years and my position as a Legislator helps me to understand the difficulty of getting problems [solved and progress achieved. Mr. Ayres has had to battle with difficulties that have taken the heart out of him again and again, then he has gone at them from another angle and still other angles until he won his objective. The honor that now comes from the Spanish Crown is well earned. I know of no tribute I could pay to any one that would give me more pleasure than to have been present tonight while this great honor is being bestowed. [i pay my highest respects to you also for what you have done to [make this reception and ceremony a notable event. IWAVf-cL /. A. Williamson. ( 3\ J. W. E. H. DECK. DISTRICT NO. t. DCKALD (MISS) MAROIC E. NEAL, DISTRICT NO. 2. CARTHAGE W. e. Thomason, district no. 3. Nacogdoches W. R. COUSINS. DISTRICT NO. 4. DCAUMONT Nat Patton, district no. s. crockett Julian p. Greer, district no. 6. poynor Tomas g. pollard, district no. 7. tyler Tom Deberry, district no. 0. doqata Ed Westdrook. district no. 0. SHERMAN JOE M. MOORE, DISTRICT NO. 10. GREENVILLE Thomas b. Love, district no. u, Dallas Will M. Martin, district no. 12, hillsooro :dgar e. Witt, district no. is. waco :harleg s. gainer, district no. 14. dryan 5U3 RUSSEK, DISTRICT NO. 13. SCHULENSURG Valter Woodul. district no. io, Houston T. J. Holbrook, district no. 17, oalveston J. W. STEVENSON, DISTRICT NO. 10. VICTORIA A. J. WIRTZ. DISTRICT NO. 19. SEOUIN JOHN W. HORNSDY, DISTRICT NO. 20. AUSTIN carl c. Hardin, district no. zt. stephenville Eugene miller, district no. 22. Weatherford W. D. MCFARL ANE. DISTRICT NO. 23. GRAHAM OLIVCR CUNNINGHAM, DISTRICT NO. 24, ASILCNE WALTER C. WOODWARD. DISTRICT NO. 23. COLEMAN w. a. Williamson, district no. 20, san antonio A. PARR, DISTRICT NO. 27. BENAVIDES JULICN C. HYCR, DISTRICT NO. 20. FORT WORTH benjamin Franklin Berkeley, DISTRICT NO. 29. ALPINE PINK L. PARRISH. DISTRICT NO. 30. LUBBOCK C. C. SMALL. DISTRICT NO. 31. WELLINGTON Most Sinoerely Yours,