'i’mr.uc:-: 3ta?D:!l:ht Dec. 6th, 1028 to December 14, 1928. PDCBIPTS 1928 De c . Vth' Bo lane e ,------------------------------' > 32.13 (This balance because you have not used chs. 1069 and 1070.) " i4th La. Division Old Donnish Trail,-------------- 400.00 (Sent in by Julius Dunout, j Houma, Ln.) _____________ Total,------------------ .*5432.13 DisBURsiarans Dec. 14th Tdn Brosch,-------------------------------------------0100.00 (Clc. 7,-1937) j y ’Vilson------------------------------- 100.00 ( " £1950) Southwestern; Be 11 Telephone Oo.,------------ 9.00 ( " £1959) "Jestern Union Telegraph .Oo. ,--------------- 5.68 ( " ,fl960) > H B ji'/res , ----------------------------- 25.00 ( " £1969) H 3 Ayres,----------------------------------- 25.00 ( " £1970) ✓ Florida Clipping Service (Oct & Hov.) 5.00 ( " £1972) Texas Press Clipping Bureau,----------------- 25.00 ( ” £1973) (On acet. for Cl. Serv. for 18 uos. total 145) A P Beyer,------------------------------------ 3.00 ( " ,ft 974) (I’ev; rubber roller on Corona and ribbons) Cash for stamps and raise, items,------------ 12.07 ( " ,f!975) Total,’-------------------3309.75 Dr. 8432.13 Cr. 309.75 3122.30"~3a lance.