----------------------------------------------------/Ls DESIRABLE. BOOKS..........OLD SPANISH HISTORY__________V/antcd '!ov *51 K -:- • ^l8t0*y» atholle ’lesions mor.s Indian v vibes of US, 1529-1854 (1855) John 0 Shea iathoiic Church in Colonial Days, 1521-1765 (1035) John Oilvrary .’>hea. rr.1«"-—A • ,? * li~o.l f,: ••Colonization of the outh (1904) Peter J Kami It on .w Bancroft 1 (to 1560) , II (to 1688, ng Colonies) . 77 III (to 1759s r. Eng. and the aot) •■•/ • w ■' IV V (1765-1756 ng colonies) ; . V * v. . ' ;■ . g ■ "" Spanish .'iettlosento within the Present United States, 1515-1761 (1901) oodbury Iowe*y « " " « » 11 1562-lo74 (1905 ) " " The : oronado Expedition, 1540-42 (14th n hep ur o.' . iL rcmcis Park'nn . ioneers of ranee in Hew -orId for 'lorida-^t ParkerJfcash^ iendez etc. (1863) *' •.ris. ml sad 0x2.00 • 1280) Hubert Howe Bancroft i'ead:* " _ _ c'.s of ev. eaciean History, vol I (1911) l.alph i.r.rson '.‘witcheli ">/fc -ipa'rie! Conquest of ev; '.'oxico (1869) H l*vie . r.-j ft : 92tir b:'robes of ":er 'oxico (1915) L Bradford ;:r : ce • erl • '•Ofjs P : 1t Ir •-••it in El ki&o i«cU I?1'') n« Hughes 6" 2 (:Tevr exico) c -o aol, 1650, bv lonso ’bur vi H. * Texas, * Coni ’ Civiliz tio s (IJQJ) ia, '• ; 'O.'i:-.. 1 ov ;o: ■ 1907i R ; ' lark i [(.ji £V ,'v " - 1678-1702(1917) . -®®*as '■ Idlft.iflt.-j . mlrry. 17^-JZa (1915 n0lton - Hnrrieh F-plorr;*-! —-m • n ;_••; -Span-i-efe-ftxj >l«ro t 1- re- -5 r -t ’ a.' .’tthwas.i - Texas State Histories ?. eon Quarterly 4 Southwestern Historical Quarterly o (1919) i *.ton A»«> (•.icntru U i "fly/ unr. U I spo.u Ky I . California Undc^n-in and ' exico( l9U)lrvi#^- »*<*• P U hsL lu k