March 2?, 1923 Mr. E B Glenny, Prea YMBC Hew Orleans. Bear Mr. Glenny,- 77« have financed the surveys for the Bridge and expects engineers to get ci! the jc"c at once. Now this crowd here is full 6f life and wants to keep hitting the iron whd keep it hot.. Senator Craft just tola s:e he would go with r.e to New Orleans if I wanted hin and suggested we could also tales with us L G Adair.a. tae president of the Auto Club, and Gordon Smith, the president of the Clramber of Commerce, I have today just been over, with a railroad engineer, the engineering conditions of your east Louisiana situation.. Would it be possible for a big dinner there with you, if such a delegation would come from here, and start the currents to get things uioving f.rov; New Orleans eastward to the Mississippi line? I ar. going into Ocean Springe and Biloxi to start a movement to bridge Biloxi Bay. Hancock county, Mss., is; having surveys made to vote bonds for building to the Louisiana line. if New Orleans can new step forward on this Gulf Boulevard question, as Mobile aid, it will start something over here, A noon meeting would be all right if I etu.e alone, but if a delegation cate-then a night meeting and dinner, like Mobile's, would be the proper thing. Adams and Smith say very little. Dear Ola Senator Craft is garrulous but he is a good old scout and we all hand it to him for the work he did shoulder to shoulder with us here. He is Senator, also a member of the Highway Commission, also vice president of the Old Spanish Trail for Alabama. I can regulate ray own address to suit circumstances. Let me know. Sincerely, Managing Director Old Spanish Trail