Afternoon Session-— woman's Parliament 0, S. T. Green Room, Grunewald Hotel. The af ternoon session of the Women' s Parliament of the Old Spanish Trail convened in the Green Room at 2:30 o'clock with Mrs.. A. F. Storm in the chair. Miss Florence Huber?/aid led in the singing of America Beautiful and the Long, Long, LIrs. Ej’rd Enochs of Biloxi, Hiss. President of the First List, of Federated ..'omen's Clubs end member of the './Oman's Parliament Committee of Management presented an outline of a v.-orking program—something definite for the women to do when they returned to their homes— that they might tell their organised clubs of the outline of work to be accomplished along the Old Spanish Trail. 1* Organization: That each Civic Organization or Club appoint a. committee to be known as the Old Spanish Trail Committee, to cooperate with City, County and State Officials; Those committees to go out into their town, County or Parish, organize groups of women, to take up ^ special work laid out by the committee, plant, beautify, and see to the removal of unsightly signs, fences adn other things. 2. Trees; In localities where Pine, Oak, Holly, Dogwood and Paimettoes and other evergreen trees are growing; tc see that these are hot cut down except where necessary. This, of course, to be approved by the Highway .cfommission , 2d» The women of Gulfport have planted many oleanders along the trail. These women are interested in the beautification of the trail anu are now ready to go to work. In states where cactus, Cottonwood, Pecan, Chestnut, and Hickory or any shade trees grow, those should not be cut down so long as they do not. interfere with Highway Construction. 3d.—Divide in Sections; the Highways should be divided into sections so many miles to each section. Each locality to know number of miles etc, under their supervision. Subcommittees should be appointed so that every few miles, could be the direct work of town or rural club. 4th.Gateways.— Gateways at the entrance to Counties or Parishes would be attractive. This to be made completely open at top so as not to interfere with traffic. 5th. Oil Stations and Stores: These should have a p±easing appearance 0 Local committees should look after this and encourage attractive surroundings