■ - s-toi - - . ggImitation ana tli© protectiv ana idnstrjjnti, I lieies .. A " : s\ . a. . - tionti ; ■. A W ■ ‘ . ’ ■— \. : t 1 tl actlfitj . f the : c i bidrr, ■ ' . . • • ' Vi£±k&a%ca'j£ixixu: s_M sActinne . ■ soil 13 rati ^oc^tive Committee‘ of citizens can . guard gai......t more looseness, or personal exploitation. ..,nd until tils oo<.r.ittee - " ®s its capacity to ;- :r ■ insar-j proper administratloi , f: lends .should consider carefull;- the disposition" ti their finds./. . 3 ’"•••' civic land commercial orgunisa ti ofcs of . hntonic '..ill .: ' • to o'ic3 appoint representatives to c mectimg plan fc:. th:i::- co-operation. ' tan Antonio is the logical cit; for the* -oauouo.rtoro. and ian hntonlans have honored thornsjItcg in tl-.; past in the support the; have. riven. henceforth, 12 nouid ze laid Dovn.: ..a juat i:l._ i: /••.- AXL2-LLi -0121 SHOULD, 21...o LI. 01710 QLEANIAATIOITS, MALI? ■ Lli LUjUTIYA cc:.::iii.,.j 2iLi a-a/ll 2 .;c.:l col l:j co/liex. "problems and policies lUHERALL-Iil - PROJACT.01 THIS. ..ACMITUDa, .AD ALDA GUARANTEE _C «LA LLLxLio 02 .I... 22-1X2 hi HC';2L2 AD!LIH1STRA2I0I:A ij .1 meeting of the 2eras' ir6ct o r s_y/ith the Executive Committee and the Lanaging .Director will he-sought; £cr-I'i-ii: : v "v b : 21 o'•/-’ll.. la: i.ntcnib, and all councilors, members and friends, of the Old Spanish Trail v/iil be invited to.meet in 2an .aitcnio for conference at that time. 3 -1 national convention must be held. .. program, embracing manp questions of importance, is reads and waiting the. action of the mo-ilbersnip; questions that should not bo settled h^ individuals. According tp the constitution the annual convention.should bo hold in November, but tne conduct of v'.u ’.resident has made that impossible2 . convention, when hold, -ma fc 'have good "representation from all districts and states, and legislate in ’the interest of •the project as a whole. "arch 1.922 a Lour-State Conference was hold at Mobile, largely attended op officials and people of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.- That Conference, on invitation from the aivic organisations of lieu Orleans, is- to meet t»xij ns~t ;-©c-.~ ci afv-- '■'v/Uw.-ne. "he civic .organisations or that- gen; crul section ars ali of themy'aot;ivel2 forging the Old ....ah Jan srsxt :... . - bxhasVvafl urogram commanding orimarj attuuticn. The ...ashington resultc grew ov.'-.- t~ of that wort. Those people are planning the next oqnfei nc< be not onlj •carf 3 eastern work f. 0 > head, but the* want the highway leaders bi _ ^shin g-t on , end c.rmj officials, end t'a. officials of &:J. 102 evares vm/ch -nem. Tf"”tv-.; annual convention on - be joined '.ith. this oaet-arn'conxcrence er iicw Prl-oans, it• uouid bring a mighty force together, -ni wise, conclusions -.- -'.'Id be. reached. - -• ^ Lb..:' Chamber of- Jc jroe of San'fbitonio thru it.'; Eighwaj Pspartment ban', and it Is believed vili, render .valuable service. '-- travel Is now good westward all winter; and-the whole United States should enow it. An automobile expedition from-fan Antonio to “ho'enix, Arisona, '-..'cr2-voca 1;-3 joined at lihoo-nix bv.Californians under the lead of the Can -.-ego Chamber of Ccmucrcc. liotarj-, Xiuanis and other civic 0hubs, car officeali,' pareic- ioat-:-i in this. e;:podition, as such clubs-have done in. -the* Lsv, anu :^o:. far-reaching- value to the Old Spanish frail, and for bis Convention, am for national publicity, will result. In brief; Thru, this Executive Conualttoe and the San .mtonic civic •:*;•-*ga•a 1 c 10:.’2 _ San- —ntonlo.’s- part v.'-ili bo settled — and -Jan -.ntoi-ic will . . paw. Thru this gathering cf Texas members, Toxaa 0onui-tione .an ' - and the 'work' start on thru the other states. thru this annual convention, an/ this - "a '' .vn . -.- -. age. this western expedition, national interests will b ; hard.ml. _ . ■*< of ' * ■ AI'A HOVE TO T)1V“D2 TUTS DSf ahOJLCT flll'O A LL"1 X"' •" ', u.. -a ■ TO ACCOMODATE PERSONAL INTRIGUE OR AMBITION OR P R - OPPICIAI ’LL PAILS TO LITE TJI TO THE .....NC: ’ ' BIIC ' C01 i . IIEI JIIHC JT RES LA : "i! b MERC I . D UH 3..... S i‘-L' iiia.-; called. • idv4.ee roe if f C ‘'’..-. V:. ta: o oat az:-: dun bar Hot A, . spiber 1, L it or. 5 -