OLD SPANISH TRAIL ASSOCIATION San Antonio, Totor. JL'N’TB 3K31IIP CAl IDA ION STAT.I'AiT April S3, 1924. EXFDNSuS Direct Campaign DxpenSe Hiss Murray - Stenographer >100 i !ul t i graphing 13 50 Uagle Printing Oo 79 17 Nagle Printing Co (Bine Cards) 9 30 Standard Printing Co 79 05 Stanley hale, 5 weeks £ -'>75 375 Stanley Hale, 1 weak ; V7G 75 Stanley Hale, Hotel room Pel. 21—April S 135 05 Stanley Hale, B.R. 77 07 Stanley Hale, H.Ii. 77 07 Stanley.Hale, Eats 4ft days 96 Robt. I7.. Hatch, 6 weeks 375 450 Stamps « Miscellaneous 145 38 Gunter Hotel Lunches 74 75 Publicity 50 Stenographers, special !■ L T 13 50 Not;., for general over-head, money borrowed ____________ General Overhead ";400 Total April 23, 1924 31853‘64 3400 Paid oxi Account A1QQ 77 BO 265 225 145 33 15 50 0028 08 INC A;1 A PL’OE'b Cash Paid Inv------- —------~-----------------------——-11064 50 Pledges Payable No date,—■----------- •-----— —--------.—3445 April,———------ ------- —----------------- 20 May,—------------------------------- — 50 July,-------■------------»—------------- 60 August,----------------------------- 10 October,------------------------------ 35 No vernier,------------------------------ 100 820 00 This includes regular memberships, not obtained during the campaign, —----------—•——__IBS 00 Net amount of pledges obtained,------------—---------------- ' 635 00 Paid by 3„ .•>.« regular members previous to campaign,-----— '1555 00