'OV a 26, 1'Jiq 3)Gsr 11’Ho . Ixillips; sroua; letter of "ho :;2nd rceoivod. Copy oi' pour lottor o lxo 2 2nd to ' ':•?« .tfil:. nr. >ted. C-oorri . is famous for its sand -..id olny roads. •. tost. *1 'id h both si id clay* ( . ilso '■ vo laba a and lost ho other si * -through ihiel tho Old '■ mi ah T: •• h" ru. ;» la * weather Georgians famous rodds ire i , had or orse tl in my 3:':?. tin I knov of aloj he Old Spanish Tr il, hut as soon is it sto • ilnin , nd before the ro is : ve b rdened, Georgia dr g j hoi: roads with . split log dr •, the result being tha hen'roads h vo *ind out, ti-oy ar orfoct. '.Obe rcsalt is that Geo: i 3 i fa >us rest of are infamous. Georgia ats ro;.; "rr; r;;in: ho ‘'patrol'' ::fan„ If you > l et -i lorida iOglslaturo, to so ieho« or other ins ruot .ho Ho at. ::o:.uis8ionosv-. vl/or provide u or trol a o p nlon tl > )id isl Tr iil in Florida, I tl i . >u 11 ti a iono a gre t'deal. Mr. Kellar, State Ettgl oor for ■‘•■laba i, told le t it f ri i ri«o : ' • ' >0. to the. atrolma l who into:'..xo'. .I - r: hr st it -J: ebst ;or ..die, the . date] . ce 1.1 ro t : iy i ;g3 was raotic ly nert ing, and in one 3 i . o< , tetrolman evide tly for ot to charge tor hi t i . • fuily^a Maintenance worked at 35$/ )er ilc for the , and ho hod one o the foot slrotehos. .'tr« kellar says that ho ir • '.’raid, that the '.ion in hi;: o;.;:.oriioo3 to win tun :,;SOO. priso by keenly; down cost of • . in en noe, ust 1 vo "or; ot to .. . . go some ht days l:o worked on file rood. Chicago Convention, there .1:? no eh. neo of ry • oi«;;-to, as I have too xuch work on i. nil at. present orre^ but I do thi ik it is i «/amp that somebody o . . ot be tl < re. I \t}.sh'you col ar-rouge to got there? Yoaro truly Mrs. . I. o Phillips, See’y for t'.io hi st, <> tss’n, '.'.’•allahaaooo, hi:..