01.3 ..5 VV •!!.?>: mU3i Pron who re tho flowers of Florida Bnilc on the southr:rn ''ulf, Bo whore i:Iio Ariaona hills Are rich with, aonpor poll1, i.na than to v/Hero the western shores firent tho mooning soil, fhn road of glory twines its way---Bkc good Old Spanish Brail. -’ho lu.ro of { Old, tho hopo of fnrae, 5*hat draw fcha Spaniard on, stRolc i hSu Heart vo high enprioc ; re never, never‘gone. But still tod's;; I;hoy "bookon pl»in PTor noiiYd.iin. hill and dale, vnd grill t Fit:- rtxukf> of chivalry Sing on Vbc Spanish Brail' r?ho Old npanlch ‘ rail froa Ploridn to California in tha groat artory of travel for the soulhorn Borderlands* It 1 s thh trunk-line- Cor- the southern ports and contorts of industry extending froa ft. Au.-ruBi.ino, Florida, thru Itausa coin, Mobile, now Orleans, .Lokc char Ion, Houston, San \ntonjo, :.l £aso, poutrl&s , itaoson, fhoenix end 'tana to don Biogo, California. rt is t«u. highway of the. olay rounds of the South, the fcraveluay to the; Oul*i and the J.taxionn nordor points for sports and relaxation, unft the thiv,: cl that binds to,;wthor the scones of three aontu.'ios of romantic Spanish adventure end conquest. ?hru "tact ^axutt the Old Spanish "rail follows the sc nie, rugged, :• nd sprijiy-untcr country whom the- pioneers f present days ore opening a land tliat nature thru past ?;::en h»is bloat with nnny inspiring pictures. the Bioboo Review I